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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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We'll have whip round and buy you a support shaney :o). I've seen Derby described as a slum...and that was on this site. I have a long memory for some things. :)
I'm in desperate need of a truss Robinia may help to hitch my bazooms into their proper position instead of creeping south :-)
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vajazzle neti? ouch!
delighted to hear about your BiL. You sound like you are having a fab time and you deserve it. I have also lost cup size but it has ended up on my bum :-(
Robi - coat!

Jude do you go to an optician chain? I use specsavers at the mo but they are awkward to get to and their appointment time keeping is abominable so I am looking at options.
Shaney, i think of norfolk as a well kept secret. I would still love to move there but can't see my way at present.
oh no, no woofy, I ordered this come on, you've kept it haven't you?

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I cannot tell a lie, it's my new evening jacket for when sis and I go out to dinner.
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I just had a shower with elemis quiet mind bubbly stuff and am sat here nodding off..think I may be on to a winner.
We had a lovely ribeye steak dinner and I'm now nodding orf so I think I'll go to bed with a cuppa , book and may be a hwb as it seems to have turned a bit chilly and my hips ache .
Noight Noight .
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Bad weather again here tomorrow....oight oight all
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We went out despite the rain. If anyone wants a bargain, tesco have got fillet steaks (English) individually wrapped for freezing, 4 are around 20 quid. They are very good.
Morning all. Keep trying to post but wont happen. Am at hairdresers having lo lites. Still no dress. May get a plain red one from Matalan. Get a new Android phone today (hopeduky). Hope u are all ok. We are taking my bro, who is the grooms father, out to get somethng smart,
Morning all..back to cold and wet here.

Oh dear neti, you're making a marathon of the dress search. Have you tried Dotty Perkins, Next and Wallis (some nice dresses on their website)? Does it have to be red? Open your mind to all the colours of the speculum. :o) I tend to gravitate towards blue for weddings, I don't like to stand out, specially on photos.

But for everyday shopping I always wear shiny pink :o)
Good morning all. Very cold here.
I'm quite sad today as I had an early call from a friend's husband whose wife has vascular dementia. she has had it for over 5 years and is in a home and is just 65 years old. He told me she is very near to the end of life so I've been to see her as we have been very close friends for 27 years and I have always visited her. Even though I am sad I have wanted her to go to sleep forever for some time now as she was just laying in bed with no quality of life.

Thanks for telling me who AA Gill was Shaney I will steer clear from reading anything he has written.

I used to go to Vision Express Woofy but was very disappointed over the last 3 years and decided to go to an independant optician recommended by my sister and I find them really good and they spent ages testing and talking to me about my options.
I'm off to town now to fetch my distance ones also to call at my bank for a discussion about my options there too.

I hope you all have a good day and the sun comes out eventually...thinking about that it probably wont.

Laters 'gaters x
That is sad Jude, prolonged diseases are very cruel. I wonder if in the far distant future they'll be read about as something 'people used to develop and die from'...or will there be even more than we know about now?

Just had an email to say M&S have a sale (started today)
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I am so sorry to hear about your friend Jude. Hopefully she is unaware of her circumstances but it is so distressing for those close.
Its like the end of the world here, a very strange bright grey light. The dogs are sleeping so I don't think its going to thunder. I cant seem to get going today. Still, nothing doing till haircut at 3 and I cleaned yesterday so blow it.
I got a very pretty tencel blouse in m and s off the web...I wonder if its been reduced.......
oh, spooky woofy, I was just thinking the same about the strange light. I was busy yesterday so today I'll mainly be watching a pile of ironing-in-waiting slide off the chair. :o)
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It was reduced by a tenner!!!!!! I have ordered two more and the full price one is getting returned tout suite!
<rattles abacus> commission = 25% of your saving. I make that a fiver you owe me :o)
Hello all
It's a bit like the end of the world here too .Mind you I do live on the edge of it :)
Dreadful night ..thunder and lighting .pouring with rain woke me up around four and I can't get into any kind of curve today .

That's very sad for all concerned Jude .Hopefully she doesn't know what's going on and that her life will draw to a peaceful close .

No dress yet Neti ? What are we going to do with you :)
Nothing doing here .We're off to do our civic duty later the rain !
But first I must just rush round M&S .....
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Its eeerrrrm "in the post" Robi
The blouse is this one

The neckline sits beautifully, I wish they had the green in my size as well
Yay have bought my dress, here it is..


and only £45, I have tried oj so many horrors, it was a relief the minute I put it on and knew this was the one. Have two matching flowers for hair instead of a fascinator which makes me look like a kid going to a party! Hair is OK the colour is defo better, multi coloured streaks. Tomorrow shoes.

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