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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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Oight oight wishy washies
Oight oight x
GGood morning girls, heaving a lie in as no hurry today.
^^^ sorry about that, it was on new phone, am useless. Have to trot off to find a pair of shoes today.

Weather is damp and chilly, lovely! am getting a spot in my nose, yuk!
Morning happy shoppers...well I don't think that 6C in May is lovely I'm afraid. It's going to take a major effort to get me out of the door.

Has jno gone? Did she say pip pip & I missed it or is she doing some extreme ironing up the Shard?
Waves to Robi x
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Morning all. At 04.30 it was 8 degrees here. We had the first walk of the year with no hat, gloves or torch this morning which is something of a milestone. You are right though, this is not May weather is it?
Well I made it there and back but it was so cold the air smelled like pre xmas winter time.

<faces south and waves to neti>
oh dear, the old man going by thinks he's pulled now...
oh, btw 25% off amazon fashion again 'til Tues...handbags!
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Question Author
Its a grey day here again. just gets me down.....
haha, I love the monkey on that one...

The weather's not doing a thing to lift my spirits either...and as as for the aches :o(
I've just defrosted the freezer, it was really bad, what a bloomin job. I think it now rates higher than ironing on the detestable chores list.
Hello chums
Yes bit nippy here too Dull ,dull ,dull.
Hope you are all OK .I had a trip to town this morning for an hour or so ,got a few odds and ends I needed and back home sharpish .I didn't even stop for chips .My bro called in earlier and we had a cuppa and chewed the fat and that's about it .
Did you get shoes Neti or have we got to drag you round the shops again :-)
Handbags ? Noooo.I must not .I must not . I mus..................
Well perhaps a quick peep :)
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I ordered arrives tomorrow. It kind of cheered up a grey day.
I went round to my mate for coffee.....really didn't want to go but actually I enjoyed it.
Rab has a lump on his thigh so we are off to the vet on Tuesday. This will not be amusing as Shughy has to stay home alone and will probably create blue murder and Rab hates the vet. I am sure it's not a nasty lump but will fell better when the vet has said so.
f f f freezing here, I can't believe it. Have bought a pair of nude patent peep toed (yes I know what I said earlier about peep toes) v high heeled court shoes from Next, nice!

Just eaten fish n chips and a saveloy, with a cuppa, heaven!
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Nude shoes will look lovely with that dress Neti. You will need some nude nail polish for your toes. We had steak and gnocchi for tea. The dogs are now snoring.
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And I will be soon as well. Oight oight all
Oight oight dear biddies. Sorry not here much at mo. Big reunion of bros and sisters tomorrow.
Shoes sound lovely Neti .Wish I could still wear high heels But unfortunately I would look a bit like Dick Emery hobbling along.
Oight Oight folks ..sleep toight .
Morning folks....zzzzzz (not much sleep) cold this morning, 3C :o(
It's a shame for anyone who was hoping for a nice spring wedding today, no doubt there'll be a few.
I can't believe how I used wear heels most of the time. The odd thing is I feel tall in flats, I have little old ladies tap me on the knees and ask me to pass things down to them, so I must have been a giant in heels. Has everyone shrunk or did more people wear high shoes?

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