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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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Yup, heels were the standard for grown up ladies and teenagers. In the sixth form at school (1960's -1970's) the "required" school shoe was a court shoe with a heel. I had to get special permission to wear flat laceups because I couldn't manage heeled shoes, especially not heeled court shoes as they made me claw my toes and rubbed my feet raw.
It are cold here.
Morning, I am catching up, slowly. Mr LL has been hogging the computer - has some important things to do and correspondence to write.

hello Lottie, this site's very slow for me today...not that I'm rushing about :o)
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I have done a slow potter tidy and am showered and smelling lovely.
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and good at hitting submit instead of enter.
The dogs are asleep and the heating is on because its soo cold. Tomorrow I am going to an open garden with my mate from down the road....hoping it doesn't rain.
Did I tell you that I have gone over to a water meter? Its going to take my bill down to about a third if what it is now...mainly because the council tax is so high here, but still a saving. Anyway through the post today I got an unexpected refund for 130 quid from the water board!!!!!! That paid for my new bargain handbag and quite a bit left over!!
Hello all
Nice bright day here but bloomin' chilly .Domestic day here ,hoovering ,bit of prep cooking for tomorrow as child and girlfriend coming for lunch .Mr S is watching football and I'm now going to have a cuppa and do my crosswords .
Hope you are all OK .Pip pip for now .
am staggering around the house in high heels with socks to stretch them a bit. I also have some flatties to change into. Bought a champagne coloured dropped hem cardi and a lovely clutch bag in the same colour , toes have been painted a pale pink (I thought it was darker but that's the £1 shop for you!). have some very small panties in shocking pink (well I will probably fall over in these shoes!) and wondering if I should vajazzle myself with a red heart!!
Big reunion dinner for the siblings tonight. I will have to wear something halfway decent.
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still blooming cold here. Dogs still sleeping happily. I am enjoying a huge mug of decaff and watching videos of House. Neti, your outfit sounds really swish. I have three new magazines to browse. My new bag arrived and is lovely. I am going to use it to keep all my sewing stuff in.
evening all, got back in from outer Germany last night - took seven hours from door to door and only one hour of it was flying. Considering the weather forecast was for rain, showers, thunder, drizzle, rain, showers and rain, there wasn't actually a drop the whole time I was there, so that was extremely inaccu. Serves me right getting my predictions from websites instead of asking a shepherd. I have seen the sacred tunic worn to the crucifixion (could do with a good wash), so I am now in a very elevated state of mind.
Yoohoo Jno Welcome back .I told you it wasn't going to rain in the Fatherland :)
Hope you had a good time .
I looked at an image of that garment on Google and it does look a bit grubby !
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hello jno, I am glad you had a good time. How lon do you think the elevated state of mind will last?
Shaney, its Holy dirt!!!
Oh my goodness Woofy ...I think a certain someone who would be scrubbing it to within an inch of it's life :-)
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Lol not me, I have enough of my own non holy dirt to chase. Oight oight all
Me too Woofy .I've chased a fair bit today ....however ...

It's Robinias birthday so there will be no domestic engineering forthwith ,just cstds ,sdns ,gldn syrup ,birthday cake and handbags ...have a lovely day Robinia and many happy returns xxx
woo, is it someone's big day??
Happy Birthday Robi.
Have a great day medear and feel free to stuff yerself with cake...:O)ps:dont send that bloomin snow down my ways..hehe..!take care now .Vinny xxx
Happy birthday Robi x
Good morning razzle dazzlers...and thank you for all your good wishes, it means a lot! What a beautiful video Vinny, hope you're ok and welcoming(?) all the grockles for the bank holiday :o)

I won't be sending any snow anywhere, at least for today, it's cold but bright 'n blue sky at the moment.

Felt like my birthday yesterday really, flowers arrived from Ozzy family and sis came bearing gifts. Usually on or as near as to my birthday we'd go to a garden centre and buy plants and then sit in the garden with eating goodies...ha, not yesterday, we stayed here with the heating on, it was freezing.

Hopefully Tarquin's coming later to do the puta swap so I expect I'll be off air...just as well really, this one's so slow.
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Happy birthday Robi, I wish the weather was better for you, you could have my share of sun but there isn't any. Got slightly restless dogs with slightly upset tums here. Not sure why as we didn't have anything unusual yesterday. Anyway no outing today as experience has taught me that eating horse poo on an upset tum is s recipe for disaster, not me personally but you know what I mean.

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