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Pruning Shrubs

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Robinia | 15:33 Mon 04th Apr 2005 | Home & Garden
799 Answers

Have any of you lovely gardeners hard pruned, into old thick wood, any of the following shrubs and had them live to see another year?!!  I read all the books but there's so much conflicting advice when it comes to renovation pruning.

Olearia haastii (Daisy bush)

Lonicera fragrantissima (winter honeysuckle - think this one will be ok)

Cotinus (smoke Bush).



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evening all...well it's been a quiet day, but it would have been anyway even if I wasn't under the weather (weather has been very warm & sunny). Yes, it's annoying, your body unfortunately has no respect for occasions & lets you down whenever you don't want it to. I've been ok digestion-wise, just very tired & I'm not eating a lot, best to let things settle I think. I'll make up for it at a later date...on my official birthday :o). September would be good, I usually feel ok around that time.... And I hope it's nothing catching cos Tarquin came this afternoon - he still would have even if I'd told him not to - hopefully he's sorted out the TalkTalk fiasco & when they send a MAC code I'm outa there. The guy I spoke to yesterday kept weaseling his way out of agreeing to let me cancel. It's alright these finance gurus telling you to change providers but they just won't let go! grrrr...

Sorry about Mr s' long wait & no joy shaney but glad you're going to get looked at, I hope they don't fob you off with the stress thing. And thank you for the beautiful ecard. I assume they can be viewed all over the internet world? My grand'sters would love them.

Please feel free to party/get blotto on my behalf & if it rains I might just go a do a dance myself :o)
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d'oh I keep forgetting...did no one bake a cake for Sqad? ;o) It's his birthday today too you know...I'm never going to forget am I?
Evening, poor Robi, hope you buck up soon.

Have just finished Exile, was jolly good! Now watcing If walls could talk, the kitchen. Very overcast and rain forecast for tomorrow.
Hope you are all ok!
hot and sticky here. My big brave boy has just had a panic cos an owl hooted at him while he was weeing in the garden
Sorry to be so late Robi.


So sorry you haven't felt well today!! Not fair on your birthday :o(

I haven't read through today's biddie posts, but will do so tomorrow. Have been up and about since 5.00am and had an extremely busy day. Will be back tomorrow. I am off to my bed.

Hi All. Sorry you've not had such a good day Robi. Hope you feel a lot better tomorrow and Shaney what a pain for you and Mr S today. I really hope you both get sorted out very soon.It just doesn't seem fair the things you both have had to cope with.
The only thing I have to moan about is a swollen finger and right hand. I have been bitten by something 'orrible. it's sore and itching but I'm not really complaining, Going to put some aloe vera on it then forget about it. It isn't all that important in the great scheme of things.
Have been to a pub tonight with family and friends to celebrate my niece's 50th birthday and her engagement. We were outside in the garden all night it was lovely and warm

Have a good night all my Biddyfriends everywhere.Thank you all for your kind words lately. They meant a lot to me.

See yer later 'gater(s)
Jude you are welcome. I am sat here because after the terrifying owl we have had thunder which means 35 kg dog on lap. anyway its all over now so bed for me I think. sleep well all.
ha so much for sleep, woken at 2, 4 and 20 minutes ago, love the rain but wish the thunder would bog off
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Morning all...yay, it's raining! \o/ had rained enough to dampen when I got up, (and we've just had another downpour) it was lovely & fresh & I'm sure I heard swifts for the first time here this year, so another yay! I know they've been in other areas for a while but they always arrive here around my birthday.

Thanks again for your good wishes & sympathy, nothing's 'moving' so hopefully all will be well...apart from headache now that is, tut, probably 'cos I slept a bit long & heavy & the weather change.
Hope it's stopped thundering woofy, it can come here I don't mind. I've never had a pet or child that was frightened so I've been lucky but I do remember sitting with my sons one night during a particularly bad storm that slightly unnerved even me. Oh and one night they were camping in the garden & a storm started...we watched from the window & saw their torches come on...then in complete sync we saw their silhouettes sit bolt upright...and the next minute they came haring up the garden & ran inside, hahaha
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ps...very sad about Seve Ballasteros(sp?) who's died at only 54, I'm not a golf fan but I liked him.
We are golf fans and agree it is such a shame, such a gentleman and great golfer.
Am totally fed up, this lack of money is getting me down, I don't even get my allowance until it gets sorted. Mr N and I had a huge row yesterday, he threatened to leave until I pointed out that he would still have to pay for me to live. I have exactly 1.20€ to my name can't even have a coffee in town! We are getting a few thousands from our stocks and shares which should arrive in 2 weeks at the latest but until then I am pi**ed off. We have enough for basic weekly shopping so not all bad. Also have itchy heaps (the result of the IBS I think) and they are driving me mad. Daren't sunbathe again until I get some protection as I think I've tempted fate enough with the baby oil! and to top it all I have no baby wipes which I use for everything!!!

Sorry folks, just getting it off my chest, just ignore me. I'm not feeling depressed, just fed up! You all have so much more to worry about, sorry!
jude sorry about your little finger, that can be so painful. In Eastbourne last year I tracked down a electronic thingy that zaps the bite and relieves the pain, had no cause to use it yet do no idea if it works.
Morning All. I'm loving this cool refreshing rain. I'm so pleased I trimmed all of the bushes in my back garden yesterday. They are now level with the top of my fence 6ft and my brown bin is now full up again and it was only emptied on Thursday.
Have just got back form a shopping trip. Went to this cheap Per Una and M & S seconds place and bought a lovely red Linen jacket for £20 it is a Per Una and would have been £40 at least. Apparently all the goods have a fault and you have to examine them but both me and she who LFM couldn't find anything wrong with it. I told her about me returning the other dress and she was fine about it. Bless her. I've decided to wear the other dress I possess, it is black with a fine silvery design on it and the buttons on the jacket have a red and silver desiign on them. So I'll match I have some black strappy sandals and am borrowing a black clutch bag from my sis so I'm now sorted. I'll put a piccie on in a bit. I hope you like it.

Derby's last match of the season today at Reading so you'll know what I'll be doing. :~)

Have a good day and be happy. Especially Neti. Sorry you have a money worry on at the mo. I've been there, done that so I know how you feel.

See yer later 'gater(s)
I am not a dog owner, so therefore I know it all!! The experts say you should not react to fireworks or thunder as this tells the dog that there is something wrong, you should act normally! I for one, make a fuss of anyone or animal that gets frightened!
My Shep the little collie cross was frightened of the fireworks and load noises but he went deaf and that cured him. This is my outfit I've decided to wear.

Going to get the pork and bramley apple sausasges on now. Haven't had them for weeks so looking forward.
Bye for now....
I've got a zappy thing, it works if you do it immediately. Neti I have been where you are and its HORRIBLE, especially when some nasty barsteward has caused it. You have a worry to us if you want to, you certainly listen to enough of mine.
Those same dog experts say that the dog picks up on your own fears, which is deeply untrue as I love storms and would go out and dance in them

lizard alert but no spiders I think, I especially love the biddy style longline bra.

I just get up and sit on the settee with a cuppa and do boring stuff which seems to sooth him. Rab is getting pretty blase and will settle down to sleep if I am there but wakes if I move. Poor old Shuggles is exhausted today. All of our dogs (big brave gundogs ha ha) have hated thunder and fireworks. I think that Weimaraners are just sensitive souls. I often wonder about the old Duke of Weimar who originally bred them (Bach wrote "Sheep may safely graze" for the same guy)

At the same time as dogs were kept in kennels and taught with a whip, he was producing dogs tough enough to take on wild boar, yet so sensitive that a harsh word from the boss is enough to correct them and with a silly sense of humour.
nice outfit Jude...I love that jacket, its a classic, you'll get years out of it.
That is nice jude, and where are the shoes? I have a wedding to go to in England next May, so will have to use the dreaded Ryanair, as no direct flights, so no luggage, can I cope? Will have to buy something to wear, but will look for trouser outfit preferably something flowing with a huge hat!
Daughter's just trotted off to sell her Blackberry phone, so she'll give me 10€ for a coffee and a mag, fingers crossed.

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