fridge/freezer ? in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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fridge/freezer ?

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anneasquith | 13:03 Mon 11th Jun 2012 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
self defrosting fridge/freezer. the water outlet at the back of our fridge keeps icing up, any suggest to the cause of this ? TIA
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Don't mean this to sound flippant, but have you thought about changing the temperature control?
Perhaps it isn't draining properly, so the water has time to freeze.

Try poking the hole with a drinking straw, or if you can face it pull the fridge out and check the outlet and evaporation tray are clear.
What Hopkirk and sfby say is correct......Your Fridge/Freezer is too cold so adjust the Control and keep drain hole clear
Have you got enough stuff in the freezer too much air space makes it less efficient if its half empty screw up newspaper and stuff into plastic bags to fill the spaces... that means the freezer doesn't work so hard so you can turn the fridge down without affecting your frozen stuff
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i have the temperature at its lowest setting !

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