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fatsia japonica

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shaneystar | 17:59 Thu 13th Oct 2005 | Home & Garden
517 Answers
i have a huge fatsia in my garden which I would like to propogate.I have tried several times to grow a cutting from it with no success.It is now in bloom.Well bloom is not quite the right word.It has these large cream clusters growing up from the central stem.Can I take seed from these and try that or has anyone a better suggestion.Come in andyjevs your advice would be much appreciated !!



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Evening biddies. I am a wreck I am. Well Robinia if I'm to build us biddies a wreck-o-meter I'm gonna need to first check out the tools in that screwfix catalogue you've been hogging for days now. *snatches catalogue from Robi's clutching grip* <Remarkably fine country they run, what, they've got catalogues for everything>

Been to the Stockholm City Museum gift shop to buy some Stockholmy gifts for some people. There was a woman standing next to me at the counter and I heard her say to the salesguy: Here's the thing, I've got these tickets for the guided vampire tour on Saturday but as it turns out we have to attend a confirmation that day so I'm wondering if there's a vampire tour scheduled for some other day�?

jno your photos were lovely, I suspect you carry one of those large format cameras about on your person, right? �and Vinny your ABBA song will go down biddy history :))) Were you born funny or did it only come later, ha ha ha, it's that good it's replaced the meditation song I couldn't get out of my head. Okay so everything will be ABBA from now on but I'm still gonna mention when there are links I can't see or else there may be weird situations like one of you posts oh say Pierce Brosnan singing (=:O) and then I post Pierce Brosnan singing not knowing that one of you just pos- �okay okay, you get the picture. I'll just mention it, see, won't whine and won't beg, gladly my cross I'll bear. (So any-hoo, I couldn't view the 20.07 yo.) Gladly my cross-eyed bear

We used to love Rolf Harris over here when I was a kid Shaney, he even recorded a couple of songs just for us, Jake the Peg amongst them, and he still remembers
Oh and PS I am totally convinced you are right, Neti. Not in the head necessarily ;-) but regarding that other matter.
Have just spent half an hour or so trying to catch up with you lot, but have missed so much. I am totally out of touch. However, the last couple of pages have been hilarious. You are all wonderful!! I am fine and Mr LL is doing well after a hiccup or two along the way. Can't be ar**d with the rest of AB but will continue to call in here and see all my friends.

Much Love

LL et al
Morning all, just a quick visit this soggy morning...

hi Lottie, it's good to see you & hear that Mr LL is doing well...very best wishes for his future good health.

Kit, Vin's 'yo' was Madcon - Beggin (official video) + Lyrics

Where's neti?
oh, silly me, she's probably watching a horror film

yes I do sometimes randomly pull out a matching pair but as I have been doing this for about 7 yeasrs now and I prune out the ones that wear out, its getting less andf less likely and quite a few of the socks now don't have a matching one. Am sat here in my jammies...DH got home at midnight last night so I saw him off to bed then went to bed for my own 4 and half hours sleep, took dogs out, fed them and went back to bed again (dogs too) we all finally rouseds at about 9 am...I love this retirement lark! btw it did persist down and I got soaked!!
I am (of course) referring to the Running of the Bulls!
I've been doing battle in Ibiza with Toshiba, it's now in the hands of the officina de consumidores. i got the bus there and back as it saves trying to find a parking spot and paying, lovely buses with air con, I didn't want to get off but they made me! So awfully hot here nearly in thee 40�.
I also cannot stand people who leave pegs on the line ALL THE TIME, take them off and put into a basket to keep them dry!

no need to keep them dry in this part of the world, it so seldom rains. And it's a good idea if you would otherwise have trouble
finding them
Hello possums � and a special hello to Lottie. We've met otherwhere on the AB but not on the biddies. I'm Kit, female, Swedish.

So humid here, I like the heat but not the humidity, hate that. Had fruit sallad for breakfast today which reminded me of the old Fit for Life diet, remember that one? These days I'm just doing the Fat for Life one, so it seems. They gave me five pounds worth of fruit sallad yesterday evening at the deli shop down my street, I rushed in three minutes before closing time and as I was paying for my goods one of their staff came running with a pile of fruit sallad in plastic jars asking if I wanted some or they'd just throw them away. Couple of months ago they were giving Dorset cereals away, oh yummy they're good.

Thanks Robi but I can't keep expecting someone to fill me in on everything, these new copyright restrictions at YouTube will drive me crazy but I don't want to drive the rest of youse crazy as well, really I don't. As I said: Gladly the cross I'll bear. This is Gladly. The cross-eyed bear. ( He didn't turn out well with the AB font, hence the piccy.) Whenever I post his eyes (� ) (.) y'all will know I wasn't allowed to view the link. (No Vinny those really are his eyes and not my t1ts. But I have to admit� oh let's just drop the subject.)

Found this yesterday when searching for Jake the Peg: "Australian paints the Queen upside-down" part I and part II S'pose you've all seen it on the telly, but just in case you haven't. It's good.
He's very sweet ,Rolf Harris .We went to Just Dogs at Earls Court several years ago and he was on the Animal Hospital stand doing cartoons .So I bought one and he signed it .He's a lovely man .
No chance of pegging out here today .Awful last night ,teeming down ,thundering and so on and it's on and off today. It amuses me how they manage to forecast these thunderstorms practically to the minute they are going to arrive but fail to elucidate on their " long hot summer " . Todays local rag was full of pictures of flooding again .I shall be writing to my MP to complain .

Nice to see you Lofty and glad that MR LL is doing OK .Come and see us again soon for pegging.out lessons. I hope yours are matching or you'll be in trouble .Mine don't match and I don't care :)
I love Video Jug ..some of the stuff is hilarious to fold knickers creases me up .
Hope you are all well
Shaney Monsoon
PS There's a dog in the paper today wanting a home Three month old alsatianX .Can you guess what his name is ! I waved the paper near Mr S. but he just glared at me and shook his head :(
all I can say is that somepeople are shameless!!!

Ho Lottie glad all is ok!
blimey..netti even hangs up dry clothes so her pegs dont get wet...(:O)bet yer all got yer questions ready for the 4 pm. think Are stand in the rain instead.ooh kips got a limp tiItty,I need proof please...he he..!later >>>(:O)
yo lottie..(((((waves)))))
Have just got a Nokia Indie touch screen phone and it's so confusing. No instructions, all on a driver which doesn't appear to work on my computer. The phone has a camera I can see it, but cannot find where it is to use it. No keyboard or numbers, why didn't I just stick with my wind-up one??
Hello Biddyfriends and nice to see you Lottie good news about Mr LL hope he continues to get well.

Had a lovely day at my sister's 70th birthday open house day. Loads of friends and family and brill barbie and the weather was fine for a change this week. People started coming at 10.30 a.m.and I was last to leave at 11.00 p.m. During the day I had to nip to the airport to fetch my other sister and partner home and they came to the party later.
There was a man at the party who has lived in New Zealand for 37 years and we were all friends as youngsters and I mean young cos When I was in hospital having a squint operation I was 9 he (11)was in the bed opposite me with appendicitis. He didn't remember seeing me but I remembered him.

Not going out tonight so it'll be a night with the telly I expect.

Talking about pegs Neti I can't stand it either when people leave pegs on the line like my neighbour. I think they must get dirty and when used leave marks on your clean washing. I'm still using wooden pegs. Me plastic ones are still in a bag in a cupboard somewhere. Can't bear to mix them together. Thought the Video on how to hang your washing out was very funny but I would have thought that she would have used the same colour pegs to match the garment!!!

That's about all for now hope you all have a good weekend
see yer later 'gater(s) x
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Now look here Jude I have absolutely no chance of finding a peg to match my multicoloured bloomers:)
Neti obviously has a peg for every occasion and garment ever invented .I wonder what colour she uses for those leopardskin leggings ?
I don't leave me pegs on the line though so she can't get tell me off for being too slapdash . I keep them in an old catering size Hellmans Mayonnaise bucket .I suppose that won't suit either and I'll get a lecture :)
I'll have to knit you all matching peggybags .
Sounds as if you had a lovely day .Nice to have a family get-together .
Dark and ominous out there yet again.
♫ Because there's something in the air ♫......
Its peg wars..but not as we know it jim.?!ha ha...Ive tried me hardest kip..cant suss it out ,how you can see the U tube cant make out yer in the states...must be an ..I.P addy..thingy...Hope yer all okay...its been MaGiC .!tonight..plese play loud..goes off fer a puff..(:O)

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