we all signed up to help the Hospital Staff / Nurses & show our disgust about Hospital parking charges, does anyone else pay a charge on their employee's Property to do their work, there is a site, where you can start a petition.
>>> does anyone else pay a charge on their employee's Property to do their work
More and more will. Nottingham already operates a 'workplace parking levy', whereby employers have to pay £250 per year for each staff parking place on their sites. They're free to pass the charge onto their employees (and many do). Plans are already well advanced for Oxford and Cambridge to do the same. Exeter and Milton Keynes might be the next to follow.
We don't get charged for parking but then again parking where I work is primarily only for disabled staff. I used to be able to park there but my permit was taken away along with many others.
I park on a staff multi-storey which regularly gets treated like a racing track and gets all the usual wear and tear you would expect. My monthly charge helps pay to maintain this place where I can safely park my car at work each day and not have to worry about theft or damage.
They do a job - they get reasonably well paid - they're not some sort of Saintly Figures - most people who work in towns/cities have to pay to park for work - why should nurses be any different?
[ obviously I do support initiatives with subsidised parking or shuttle buses to make them safe when working anti-social shifts ]