... make a hole in wood bigger? Our hedgehog feeding station is made of some sort of wood (don’t know what sort) but the hedgehogs are getting a bit fat (and presumably will only get fatter) and I’m concerned that one of them will get stuck or won’t be able to get to their food (you can hear their spines scratching as they squeeze in and out). I don’t have a jigsaw so how could I safely make the hole bigger?
I’m cool with them getting fatter (they’re eating loads) and I kind of knew the hole was too small but the little house thing is so cute (compared to the more practical ones) - I’ll investigate a rasp thing and maybe I could put some gaffer tape on the edges.
Just spoke to himself and he’s got a pad saw so I’ll get him or one of my minions onto it tomorrow (no idea what a pad saw is so didn’t know we had one) - I’ve already weighted it down with a big stone as I had visions of a stuck hedgehog walking off with it stuck around their body :)
Clover - we’ve got loads, I saw 12 one night (not in a camera but actually saw them) and they were v frisky and nearly ran over my feet. They come in from two different places. I thought I saw one last year so this year I put food out really early (March) and they’ve been constant visitors.
I don’t really want a new feeding station, this one is wood, with a proper roof with flowers painted on it and a butterfly and ladybird (and a sign that says ‘prickle feeding station’). The others I saw were all clunky plastic things. They might be used to the smell of it now as well.