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Son Digging Garden

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ferlew | 18:54 Sat 31st Aug 2019 | Home & Garden
22 Answers
and finding loads of *** type lumps of stuff, any idea what on earth this is please?
Apparently the houses are build on the land that housed a former furniture factory if that helps.



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Oh poo, that didn't work, did it?
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and the starred out word was slug, but with an 'a'
Even changing the *** to the word in question doesn't make it work.
I see if now
isn't blue stuff like that usually from copper?
Any history of ironworking in the area?
Looks a bit like clinker to me. Or some by product from melting/forging steel
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We did wonder about copper.
The only places he knows of were this furniture factory and a curtain factory.
Thanks for sussing it out Scorpiojo
Welcome :-)
If you Google ironworking and the s-word, you'll see images with plenty blue in them.
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Will do, thanks.
He did say it looked slightly glassy rather than metal, might get a better pic tomorrow.
>>> Or some by product from melting/forging steel

Well Melv's in the right city to know all about that (Sheffield)!

It could, indeed, be a form of slâg glass. The finer examples are collectable:
We have a company called slãg reduction:-)
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Just been googling High Wycombe, no mention of any steel, iron or glass works that I can see.
Wasn't High Wycombe home to a big old steam engine shed back in the day. Looks like clinker from a steam engine boiler to me.
Just had a quick look and guess what. The Brunel steam engine railway sheds used to be in your neck of the woods. I would be saving it and selling it as souvenirs if you find that your garden is nearby. (^_*)
Looks like dross from a foundry works.

Is it heavy or light ?

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