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smelly fridge

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woofgang | 11:40 Tue 20th Dec 2005 | Home & Garden
514 Answers
Help! my immaculately clean 3 yo fridge smells like a dustbin. I have cleaned and disinfected it 4 times and aired it out. ANY suggestions welcome!


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You're bound to drop something on the floor Woofy (imagine Robi joining in the drooling with the same facial expression ha ha ha:D

Oh noes jno, this is how Wiki illustrates gout...
Just got in after my Tues excursion and got into a lovely fresh kitchen all finished except for the light fitting. Rang my nephew (electrician) to get his ass round here PDQ. A change from my normal electrician as he has put his prices way up since he has gone into business on his own. Callout charge around £30 before he does anything..It will take him about 15 mins.
Had a lovely lunch at a Harvester restaurant. Waitress service and all. Normally on a Tues it's pay at the bar and sit down and wait.
Yes Robi it's a bit wet over here intit. One thing about it is my grass looks lovely and green, But I have to admit I'm not feeling very cold lately.
Been to the Cryo clinic again this morning. The nurse did a bit of zapping and she said I am prone to these wart things. She says she had them expecially between her buzzoomas where they are very common. I told her she doesn't look young old enough to be starting with them. She said any age can get them. She's only in her 20s She zapped herself.:~)
I'm off to do a bit off shopping now.
Take care all ailing Biddy Ladies and Gentlemen.
See yer later 'gater(s)
(((Psst mr netti.))).
it worked..we got rid of both of them..what time does the party start i'll bring me party poppers hehe..!
bloomin jude,you always makes me feel hungry.Must go and make some grub.(:O)
I would go Neti.
You may never have the chance to see your brothers again .I would give the world to be able to see my brother in Australia one more time .A webcam isn't the same as that lovely brother in the flesh .
It isn't a life threatening thing .If it was I wouldn't hesitate to say stay with him .He sounds a bit like Mr S .. "bugger off and stop fussing " !
These keyhole knee jobs are soon Ok .Take it from me .I was back at work after ten days and I had jobs where I was always on my feet .

Which is probabaly why I am on my knees now :=0)
Here I am again after reading through the last posts
I got 27 on UC Jude .
Woofy I hope things are going well with your hubby and you are in my thoughts xx

Jno ..join the medical mystery club :)) Hope you soon feel better .Dodgy knees are no fun .Have you tried a knee support ?

Robinia ...Vinny is a lost cause re scambled eggs'll be all Kindled tofu and quorn ...come round here ..I'll do you a full English :))

Hope I haven't missed anyone to you all xxx
Oh Crikey I forgot my weather report :)
Quite warm here ,but dull and raining on and off. Very windy .
But there are warnings of gales from Dogger ,Fisher ;German Bight and Humber. Moderate or good. :0)
Sailing by ......toodlepip for now xx
Has a sulk. Shaney missed me out!!!! She doesn't want me in her gang any more! Boohoo.

No wonder I keep falling asleep. I had been taking Claritin one a day for my itchy things and when they ran out changed to Boots own - only forget they were the same as Piriton!! I am so very stupid. One Piriton at night makes me drowsy all the next day and then I have been taking more during the day.

So it looks as if Neti will be going and Vinny will be arriving at Casa Neti will a box of beer! Watch out Ibiza the hippies are back in force.

Actually Nets, the best option would be a delay to the op for a couple of weeks and then everyone would be happy. But if not, I absolutely agree with what Woofy said and Mr Neti must be thinking this as well - I would.

Am just trying to wake myself up with a cuppa and then I will go out.
ere it tis robi...
oh booger..did you say scram.....?:O)
What are these tablets that make you feel drowsy ? I could do with them of a night lately
I just lay awake reading and mithering to myself .I 'm not sleeping well at all lately in spite of cammymile tea and an ibuprofen .
Tut ..did I leave you out Lofty .I am sorry .I'm messing around making a chicken and mushroom pie .
Jno you eat a lot of red meat ?
Well it's 99% that we are going now. vinny, after Mr N read your post he has packed my case and it's outside the door. So welcome!!!
Damn, I wanted to say is that Mr N doesn't want to change the op date as it fits in with his work schedule, and a later one wouldn't b*ggar things up!
Just Antihistamines Shaney. The chemist told me that Nytol and Piriton do the same job!!

I forgive you xx

jno, I forgot to offer my sympathies. Gout is not pleasant, my Mum used to get in in one of her knees. Red and swollen and really painful. We are all falling to bits!!
Yes, just like Mr LL!! I'll send him over to look after Mr N. Mr N would get no sympathy or attention at all. Mr LL isn't very good at giving tea and sympathy and Mr N obviously isn't very good at receiving it!!!
Oooh, sympathies jno, my ex f-i-l had gout, very painful I believe. No kicking of butts this week then? ;o)

er, yes thanks Kit...I'm going to have to hold that pose until tomorrow, there was no way I felt like battling the elements to fetch some's on the list for tomorrow. It'll have to be chs & onion pasty with chips & toms tonight.

Bless you shaney, I'll be over for breakfast tomorrow, if I wear my cagoule & hold my arms out a good gust of wind should have me there in no time.

My grass is very green & up to Charlie's watnots Jude, the gardener's obviously run out on us. I'd like to cryo his dangly bits...mardy little broccoli.

Lottie you need to ask for 'non drowsy' in Boots, I think they're the same as Claritin (loratadine)... I take them.

Yes, yes Vincent, I'm fully aware you picture fried eggs when you think of me ....
<<hits him with frying pan>>

:o) > > > > > >
Yep ..I think the three Mr's would get on like a house on fire :) Three grumps together ..hahaa......
Ah I see Lofty .The antihistis that I have are non drowsy .I'll have to have a mooch round Superdrug .Mind you a large whisky has the same effect .
It's absolutely sloooshing it down here now .Storming and blowing a hooley and I have a load of washing out ...eeeek......look out for a pale blue nightie Robinia :)) .
hahaha...'broccoli'!!...I forgot to duck under the radar
*mardy little sh1te
Shaney, you can only get the drowsy ones from a pharmacy. I got mine when I was experiencing awful hayfever and went to consult the pharmacist. The Nytols you can buy off the shelf are the herbal ones (which don't work)! If you get Nytols from a pharmacy you can buy the ordinary ones.
I think Boots also do a non-drowsy line, or used to. They come in different colour packets

Bah to gout, very painful but never had it in the knee - I thought I'd just twisted it or something without knowing it. Have checked with NHS Direct that I can alternate the Naproxen with Cocodamol, but not with aspirin or ibuprofen. What's really upsetting is that I thought I'd licked the gout, haven't had an attack for several years. What with a new ailment every week, the last thing I need is old ones rearing their ugly heads again.

Dunno about red meat, I do eat it but the list of risky foods they give out these days doesn't include it - in fact it's mostly things I never touch.

Bah and double bah.
So what can I buy then from Boots over the counter to knock me out ?

Do you know I've just faffed around making two pies . Chicken and mushroom and apple .By the time I'd messed around I may as well as have bought ready made .
I'm covered in flour and so is the kitchen :)

That sounds jolly painful Jno .I always thought that gout was linked to eating certain foods . .Something to do with to much uric acid in the system.So I suppose certain foods may play a part in it .
I know that certain foods are supposed to be a no no with arthritic conditions .
However I still eat them .
Life without a pickled onion would be unbearable .
here's one list (but there are dozens and they're all different)

High Purine Foods – Avoid
Foods to Avoid

Beer, anchovies, organ meat (brains, kidney, liver, sweetbreads), game meats, gravies, yeast, meat extracts, sardines, herring, mackerel, scallops.

Medium Purine Foods – Eat in Moderation

Fresh and saltwater fish, shellfish, eel, meat, poultry, meat soups and broth, asparagus , mushrooms, cauliflower, spinach, legumes, oatmeal, bran, wheat germ, whole-grain breads and cereals, eggs.

Low Purine Foods – No Restriction

Breads and cereals (low-fiber, white flour, or refined grain types), nuts, peanut butter. Vegetables not high in purines, soups – cream style or vegetable without meat extract, coffee, tea, fruit juices, soft drinks, gelatin, sugar, low fat cheeses.

Gout Diet – Foods That May Help

Some people have found cherry juice or strawberries helpful. Some chemicals contained in dark berries may help reduce the inflammation and lower the uric acid.

Oily fish like salmon, or fatty acids in flax seed or olive oil or nuts may reduce inflammation too.

It has been suggested that using tofu (from soybeans) instead of meat could also be helpful.

Some have found relief with OPC3 antioxidant supplement.

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