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smelly fridge

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woofgang | 11:40 Tue 20th Dec 2005 | Home & Garden
514 Answers
Help! my immaculately clean 3 yo fridge smells like a dustbin. I have cleaned and disinfected it 4 times and aired it out. ANY suggestions welcome!


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I fly out of Ibiza on 22nd Sept at 11 ish - are you going to meet me then Lottie? Am busy researching parcel companies, have found one to spain 25kg for about £25, sounds good?
ps - any brain boxes out there, can you tell me in another way how big 5 cubic feet is, is it 5ft sq??
Thank would be very nice Neti. Would actually love to meet you, perhaps one day we will meet. Am off on holiday to Yorkshire!!
Just didn't want to miss saying goodbye!! 22nd September was my Grandad's birthday. He would be 117!!
Well, I'll still be on internet daily. Wish i was going to Yorkshire. When are you going Lottie?
it would be 5ft x 1ft x 1ft. (Or about 1.7ft x 1.7ft x 1.7ft - that's a box about 20 inches each way).
27 September, when there will be lots of heather on the moors. It's my annual Yorkshire fix and I am really looking forward to it.

Staying here


Lovely area. Meggie dog is coming too of course.
Sent you all emails as on my desktop the computer won't allow AB to open!

Lottie, that looks gorgeous, I wangt to spend xmas there. My bro lives an a place called Stone Cross near Eastbourne!

Thank you jno, that's what I needed to kn ow, all these damned cubic and fathoms!!
gah, these Reported Attack Site warnings are everywhere on AB now, I hadn't started getting them till just now but others have had them all morning.
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Thats great news Neti but why are you travelling as a parcel? I thought Mr N had sprung for a real seat on the plane for you this time?
Robi have you tried echinacea to boost your immune system? Mouth ulcers can be a sign that its wobbling, probably vitamins too might help. The best cure I have ever had for mouth ulcers is glycerin and thymol mouth wash, health food shops stock it. DH and I used to get mouth ulcers at sea as the food had been stored for months and the vit content got low. We used to take multiivit tablets with us as well.

Now for my good news, DH's kidney is working!!! his blood chemistry numbers are dropping which is good and the idiot consultant (remember her? she said his kidney would fail and dissed (politely) his existing consultant), is out of the picture!! Odd coincidence really :-) ....I had a really sensible, friendly and honest phone chat with one of the renal specialist nurses this morning...the honesty was on my side, the listening and being tactful was on hers lol. I wasn't tactful just factual. She said she would go off and chat with her lead consultant et voila. Amazing her only comment about the idiot consultant was that she was new to the area, she didn't know her well but she "seemed nice"..... ever heard the phrase "damning with faint praise"?
That's brill woofy, now all we want is good news for mr s and jno's various complaints.

I am getting this red alert all the time and can only get in here if I ignore it, hope it is safe to do so!
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Shut up woofy! The parcel will be for Henty and a food processor, heated mattress cover and a new 3-in-on single duvet!
"Henty"? obviously a posh version of Henry
oh, that's excellent news, woofgang, though it will be all for naught if it turns out you have been infected by an Attack Page and have to be whisked away to have your cursor operated on.

I am walking almost normally again so I will consider myself cured of everything except flaky teeth and tennis elbow at the mo, and leave the field open to those with real illnesses.
Good news Woofy!! So pleased.

Now we need some good news from Shaney after Mr S's apointment on Friday.
Thanks woofy for email reply x
I am so relieved that Vinny is coming here to look after Mr N for me!
Fab news woofy.
no probs netti.....!ive sorted out some flower arranging classes....mustnt get mr netti to excited...
ps...dont forget to do the washing up before you leave...ta..hehe..!(:O)
Pee Bo and belly bums ....I keep getting some attack thingy .Saw your mail Neti .I've had this all morning too but it seems to have let me in now after fiddling around to get rid of it .It's only on here though.
Vinny is coming to look after Mr N ? Make sure you get plenty of sprouts and Becks in then :))
Very pleased to hear your good news Woofy .Must be a huge relief for you both .

Lawks a lummeee .Jno ..a tennis elbow as well ? You are in the wars .Cortisone jab ..that'll cure it .
Yes ..I hope it's good news for us on Friday .The nearer it gets the more apprehensive I feel .
I'm wound up like a spring .Upset tum and what have you .
It's awful here today ,really blowing a gale and it's howling round and driving me even more demented than usual .

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