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Thats great news Neti but why are you travelling as a parcel? I thought Mr N had sprung for a real seat on the plane for you this time?
Robi have you tried echinacea to boost your immune system? Mouth ulcers can be a sign that its wobbling, probably vitamins too might help. The best cure I have ever had for mouth ulcers is glycerin and thymol mouth wash, health food shops stock it. DH and I used to get mouth ulcers at sea as the food had been stored for months and the vit content got low. We used to take multiivit tablets with us as well.
Now for my good news, DH's kidney is working!!! his blood chemistry numbers are dropping which is good and the idiot consultant (remember her? she said his kidney would fail and dissed (politely) his existing consultant), is out of the picture!! Odd coincidence really :-) ....I had a really sensible, friendly and honest phone chat with one of the renal specialist nurses this morning...the honesty was on my side, the listening and being tactful was on hers lol. I wasn't tactful just factual. She said she would go off and chat with her lead consultant et voila. Amazing her only comment about the idiot consultant was that she was new to the area, she didn't know her well but she "seemed nice"..... ever heard the phrase "damning with faint praise"?