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smelly fridge

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woofgang | 11:40 Tue 20th Dec 2005 | Home & Garden
514 Answers
Help! my immaculately clean 3 yo fridge smells like a dustbin. I have cleaned and disinfected it 4 times and aired it out. ANY suggestions welcome!


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Crikey Jno How do you cope? Do you manage top stick too a diet to help with the gout. I feel for you.
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There is a herbal med that works for me also DH who has to be careful about what he takes. Its called Kalms and they are available from Tesco and Waitrose as well as Boots.
I have to confess that I take 7 and not as recommended. I find they work well with no side effects or drowsiness the next day.
Am not going to bore on but have been to see DH. He is very tired (fingerprick blood tests and obs every 30 mins from 9 last night till 11 this morning) but doing okay still on a drip to stabilise his blood and flush out the kidney..eating well and drinking well looking shattered but otherwise ok.
jno gout is total AGONY...still has its rather silly "porty old colonel" image. My FIL has it, happily controlled with tablets but I have seen the poor man in a flare up and its no joke.
you bore right on, woofgang, don't mind me moaning about a sore knee, you have actual illness to report on, I am just griping in what I take to be a biddyesque fashion. I don't have to go anywhere so I shall just sit at my PC until I'm all better or pigs fly.
Miss! Jno! Jude said 'ass', she did, and she wasn't talking 'bout a donkey, either! And she wasn't even assterisked, did you notice!

Over here, the folksy word for gout is 'port wine toe'...

Yes Woofy you must keep us posted, we're involved now you now and we do want to know.

I went to vote in advance and they put my "vote notes" (which party I voted for) in the same envelope with my "voting card", which states my full name, address and birth data/national identification number! Couldn't believe my eyes! "That's the way we do it when you vote in advance, that's just the way it is." !!!

On my way home I walked past some kind of beauty salon with a sign in the window that said "We do the Brazilian Blowout"=:0 God Almighty, I have no idea what that is but Neti maybe you shouldn't leave after all, correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't it sound like something that might be going on at that party the boys will be throwing the minute you leave ha ha ha.

*off to google brazilian blowout*
I guess this is it

Never heard of it, but it sounds amazin'

See what I did there?
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were back to pee po belly bum aren't we?
behave you lot or I'll use my special fridge cleaner on your tongues....
Hmmm, If I have that treatment will I end up looking like one of those models? Must give it a try!! I thought it was going to be something other than a treatment for frizzy hair!! I'm disappointed.

Don't like the sound of the anti-gout diet jno. I love beer and sardines!!

I eventually went shopping really late and by the time I got out of Morrisons it was dark. The owls were hooting in the wood behind me when I got home. Morrisons was lovely and nearly empty. I do love the dark and night time! I'm a definite owl and will never be a lark!! I would have loved a night shift job when I was working. Sleep all day, up all night, just right for me.

Mr LL phoned from his car which was stationary on the M11. This means he will buy a meal out. I have had a cheese roll and grapes for my meal. Yippee no cooking.

Woofie. Thanks for keeping us updated on Mr W.
Oh goodness me Jno you are damned if do and damned if you don't .
When I pitched up with this rheumatoid thing I was given a list of things to avoid eating.
Eg anything citrusy,pickly and so on .
I see on your list they say avoid oily fish yet oily fish is supposed to be good for you .In one breath they tell you to avoid sardines but you can eat salmon !
Honestly every day you can read somethng in the papers that says this that or the other is not good for you and five minutes later someone comes along and says .."Oh yes it is" .
I do hope you soon feel better .

Pleased to see Mr Woofy is holding his own ....keep trucking Woofy xxx

Our Morrisons is mobbed with stoodents day after day now that the 6th form college are back .The front gardens and the surrounding streets are full of their ruddy rubbish.
All summer the parks have been lovely and tidy and now we're knee deep in crisp wrappers and coke bottles ....again.
They walk ten abreast down our narrow pavements and woe betide any poor old biddy who gets in their way ! You have to step off the pavement and go round them.
I get really wound up about it .
oh well, you mustn't believe everything you believe. I seldom drink beer and I don't touch sardines, and wehere has it got me, so you might as well fill your face, Lottie.

Don't remember if I posted this list of things the Daily Mail says give you cancer, so here it is again

Oh crikey .... .I should think just reading the Daily Wail would give rise to concern for your health ..If we took notice of all this scaremongering we would all be living in self contained bubbles .
Nite, nite jno and Shaney if you are still there xx
Nite Lofty .I think I'll hit the road now . Sleep well all xxx
yes, I'm still here, Lottie, I have every hope of lasting the night!
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(whispers) morning all, same old same old, dogs walked, coffee drunk, back to bed (tiptoes out)
Damn, I typed lots of good morning thingies and then lost the lost!! Can't go all through it again so GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY.

(Is jno still there I wonder, slumped over computer snoring!!!!)
nope, the pills have kicked in and I am mobile again, though somewhat gingerly and still with stick just in case. Alas, I had already phoned in and cancelled my guest appearance on Strictly, so now I will have to concentrate all my energies on my slot in When Good Housekeepers Go Bad.
LOVE the new Google logo today!

Morning... wild & windy & very cold here.... grrrrrrrrrr
I've decided to live dangerously & made breakfast, please feel free to share. I might have a bit of trouble eating it myself actually, I've had the mother of mouth ulcers for 3 days now....

I will pass on the breakfast offer Robi. But thanks anyway.

Yes wild and windy and very cold here too although its also very sunny. Dog and I are going out. Nice new bite on knee!! The others seem to be fading. Mustn't speak too soon!!

Will spray myself with Flit and Deet, rub on HC and anti itch creams, throw on winter woolies, throw a mossie net over the top of myself and venture out (but not before another cup of tea!!).

I used to get loads of mouth ulcers when I was a child and through my teens and twenties. I never seemed to be without them. Fortunately, I don't seem to get them now. Horrid things.
Morning all you lovely people! Oh dear, I feel quite guilty for feeling well and having a very sunny day!

Hope you are all feeling a bit better.

Daughter and I are defo going to England now, don't feel half as badabout it. He'll enjoy the solitude and mess!
Hooray, hooray!! Can you remind me of the date you go Neti.

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