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smelly fridge

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woofgang | 11:40 Tue 20th Dec 2005 | Home & Garden
514 Answers
Help! my immaculately clean 3 yo fridge smells like a dustbin. I have cleaned and disinfected it 4 times and aired it out. ANY suggestions welcome!


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Duck leg and pumpkin pie jno - what together!! Different I suppose. I expect the Argentinian wine made the evening go with a swing though.

Swedie. Tough luck about the building. You must be really fed up. But how could we ever forget you.

The most wonderful voice ever in my opinion.
^^ :D
Hi there. Yes Lottie a lovely voice. Takes me back a bit that does. I also like Sinatra in a Swing style way. There has been a lot of Elvis on lately who was another fad of mine but I was thinking yesterday that I never went to see any of his films. They just didn't interest me.
Hello Kit and everybody else. This is just a quick in and out. I'm busy organising a last minute drop in day tomorrow. So if you feel like calling for a cuppa, glass, piece of cake or whatever call in any time after lunch.
See yer later 'gater(s)
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Hello all, haven't had a chance to really read the thread except for Shaneys's bit. So glad that the news is okay...that's a big step on. The reason that i am so hassled is that DH is home on weekend leave!! He texted me yesterday morning really annoyed and fed up to say that he had been moved wards, was now in with a load of really ill shouty people and no on would tell him what was happening. I spent the day harassing various people on the basis that if it all got too much I would go in and bring him home regardless. Anyway polite hard nose seems to have paid off. I went in to see him at 4.30 (impossible to park any earlier) and he got visits from not one but two consultants, his kidney surgery one and the medical consultant he is under now. They were brilliant. The med consultant wanted him to stay in hospital till monday and was a bit took aback when we asked why when all he is getting is fluid monitoring which he does himself, and one blood test a she said okay go out for the I said what will the nurses do for him during the night then? she pulled a wry face and said "when you put it like that nothing!!..okay i'll go and talk to the ward sister." Sister was delighted with the idea so we came home last night, nipped back this morning for a blood test and he's now on "leave" until monday when he has to go back for reassessment and hopefully formal discharge. The guy who is going to cut out the tumour is coming to see him on monday as well.
Kit I hope the building doesn't fall down while you are still inside there no one you could visit for a while?
Anyway i have got some hovering and fussing to do so will try and drop back in tomorrow.
Hi Woofie,

Good for you. Mr Woofie will be a lot better looked after at home in my opinion, it's not that he is needing intensive nursing!! What's more he can get some really good sleep and it is so much nicer being at home! Make the most of his leave!! It's been a lovely day here but has now turned cold. I was going out to plant some bulbs (free ones from the Garden Centre) but I've decided against it - too chilly!!

Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend both of you.

Jude, be round for a cuppa and cake later!! Wish that was actually possible, 'twould be wonderful!!

See you later xx
Hi all, glad DH is home for weekend, lovely for both of nyou.

Yes jude, Elvis's films were crappy, but I loved him so went to see some of nthem!

Mr N and I love Nat King Cole, I love Frank Sinatra and all of that ilk!

Beed to school reunion, not many of us, but they have fled the island and gone on to bigger and better things. It was great to sit and chat to the other teachers and get to know some of the other children (in their 40's now!) I had a gorgeous plate of chips, a couple of wines and coffee and had them all in stitches, well i can't stand people who are up their own ***!!!
a*s*s*e*s !!!
Elvis's films weren't all rubbish <a former film critic writes> - Jailhouse Rock and Flaming Star aren't bad at all. You can have the rest, though.

Woofgang, glad you've whisked your OH home, tell them to come and do the surgery on your kitchen table and you'll bake them some muffins. You obviously know how to make the NHS work for you.
Jailhouse Rock was great, but come on jno, Flaming Star was the beginning of the dross, and I worshipped the man!
Good evenin' smelly fridge dwellers
I stuck my head round the door this morning but as the sun was shining I decided to do a bit in the garden...daft idea 'cos it wasn't long before my hips were screaming & I spent all a'noon with hot bunny. It turned bloomin cold this afternoon, puta says 11C now :-(

Oh that's the way to do it woofy, have a peaceful weekend together. The last place you want to be when you're ill is hospital unfortunately, no rest or peace & quiet... 'Polite hard nose', I'll remember that phrase, in fact I'll put the initials after my name in future, Robinia Thingy PNH, mmm...I was trying to convince someone yesterday that's what they needed to be (to get past a gp's rottweiler) and I was willing to offer tuition free of charge.

Jude my family seem to be doing very well down under, they've found a lovely house to rent with a pool..unfortunately a duck has also moved in & he's refusing to leave. My son's called him Al as in 'a l'orange' :o)
The girls have started school & made lots of friends already & grandson's started pre-school, so it's so far, so good.

What a rotten thing to happen Kit, I'd be beside myself. Can't you ask Benny if you can stay at his place while it's sorted, he seems like a nice man & maybe if you doll up a bit...? http://img814.imagesh...mg814/9484/kitabb.jpg
How could he say no?

<gazes into crystal ball>
I see jno as a travel wait, a sex therapist...mmm, a travelling sex therapist? Yes, look what I found in her secret biscuit tin...
JNO ! you said you had destroyed all my letters, oops sorry husband's at it again, must go!!!
Evening folks
Just passing through as I'm away to bed shortly .I'm dog tired .I was in Beccles at the Farmers Market at 8.30. this morning .My bro goes out before the streets are aired .
But I got a lovely cauli enough to feed the whole street , for 80p :) Lovely local Saxon spuds and some other delicacies .
But was freezing cold over there and I whittered so he gave in once he'd bought all the homemade pies and took me to Morrisons for some breakfast :)

Nice for you to have MR W home Woofy .Enjoy your weekend .

Kit that sounds like the last Pee Bo Belly Bum on earth for you .Have you no one to stay with whilst they do all this ? What a nightmare .I'll see if I can parcel your socks up sometime soon so at least your tootsies will be warm .I'll bung in couple of microfibres too ,sounds as if you'll need them :)
Will they still be delivering post to you ?

Your family sound as though they are settling down alright Robinia .Let's hope they continue to do well.Yes it's been a hip screaming day here too and we put the heating on for a while .

Right it's hot lemon for moi and off to bed .Goodnight all and sleep tight xxx
My goodness, they are all tucked up in their Biddiebeds, even jno is missing tonight.

Goodnight folks. I am off now to join Mr LL in the land of nod.

I'm here for a minute Lottie.... nite. x

<waves to shaney> wonder you're tired shaney, boggled in Beccles at 8.30? After recent events I'm amazed you're not wiped out this weekend. Have a good night.

I'm tired myself, I settled down to watch something on the tele...all I saw was the inside of my eyelids...
See you tomorrow, Robi. Sleep tight. Good news about your family!! xx
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Dogs have decided its a monsters in the garden night. My hurty wobbly knee has resurfaced so prob no early walk in the morning....don't need to get stuck somewhere on a hill in the dark.
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aaaaand now I have a sore throat....brilliant. I DON"T HAVE TIME to have a cold right now.
48 hours' bed rest with Ovaltine and a computer, plus one of these, is what you need

Good morning to you all. I am up and cooking dinners to put in the freezer for Mr N in my absence. Daughter is still on her night out!!

Was up at 6am just couldn't sleep. Watched the news until I couldn't stand the Pope's visit any longer. I'm not against the Pope, but as that's all there was to watch, I gave up and started to potter.

Poor woofy, no do not get a cough, cold or anything nasty right now. it's what I am dreading happening to me now!!
Good morning, cold & damp again...hope your sore throat doesn't come to anything woofy, I dread going under with cold & flu bugs, it takes too long to shake them off these days.

I know what you mean neti, our news is all Pope or Cam/Clegg so I switch off....♫ I predict a riot ♫...
Can you cook some dinners for I please? Plenty of gravy.

Now I'm going to turn the page 'cos I don't want the next bit to be missed & it deserves a new page anyway....

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