Microwave Paint in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Microwave Paint

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tamaris | 18:56 Wed 23rd Nov 2022 | Film, Media & TV
23 Answers
Every one I get starts paint peeling inside the door at the bottom in front of the glass disc. I've heard that this is because burnt on food starts the process. I keep it clean. I give them away when this happens. I've heard you can sand it down and there is microwave paint you can apply to remedy this. Anyone used this paint before ?
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why do you give them away?
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I don't like them with the paint peeling
Why do you paint them? Can you not buy the colour you want?
Buy a microwave that doesn't have paint inside.
Our combination Panasonic has no interior paint and our previous Samsung had none either. No paint- no peeling.
how often do you notice the inside of your microwave door?
Every time I open it. I've had it for about 35 years or possibly more.

It's so annoying, gets worse every time I use it. So just ordered a new one to be delivered on Friday;-))
Were I you I'd just remove whatever is peeling then continue to use the oven as normal.

It ought not be a problem; it's not like all one's guests are nosing into the microwave to form an opinion of it.

And, no, never heard of the paint. But give it a try if you like.
I’ve never had a microwave with paint inside
This can be due to excess water being left in it. Cooking food inside the microwave can produce a lot of steam, wiping it out each time is OK, but you need to dry it with paper towel too, leaving no residue food deposits. Failing that, I agree with gingerbee, get your next one with a stainless steel interior.
What make is it? - I've never had a problem with my Samsung (20 years & counting) and I don't pay any special attention to cleaning or drying it.

I do use a plastic 1/2 globe to cover whatever is on the plate - keeps the condensation contained.
My microwave is a Matsui, 27 years old. The interior is white - presumably powder coating. There is no sign of deterioration and I do not pay particularly close attention to cleaning it.
I know paint is a kinda "film" and a microwave looks like bit like a TV but why is this topic here? :-))
//I've never had a problem with my Samsung (20 years & counting) //

Do you test it regularly? Old microwaves can start to 'leak' and that isnt good especially for those who stand next to it waiting.
no - never
Hmmm. Your body and your life I guess.
I wonder how many folks do "regularly test" their microwave for leakage? I've never seen it it put forward as a major health hazard.
I test my microwave regularly and it's obvious that English literature is not a strong suit.
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It's just a tesco own brand
I brought my microwave from tesco -(cheapest one they had) for £35 about 4 years ago. No paint peeling inside. I wipe it out after using then give it a quick dry with paper towel then leave the door slightly ajar over night. Still looks brand new inside.
a micro wave should NOT have bare metal showing it will arc ! use an enamel paint

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