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Watering Indoor Plants

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smurfchops | 18:44 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | Home & Garden
8 Answers

In this warm weather, should l slightly under water, or over water, my indoor plants?  Spider plants and jade plants mainly.  I leave them on a windowsill but out of full sun.  They look healthier when under watered, almost dry, but I just want to check.  And what about when I go on holiday?  Slightly over water??  Tia. 



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I have the same indoor plants as you and can honestly say that they are permanently under watered! 

I sometimes put them outside in the summer but since it was so cold and wet I have done that yet this year. Except one which was looking really poorly and dried up. It's thriving out there now. I'll do the rest this week, keeping them clustered together to avoid drafts. 

Pop yours outside before you go away. Not in direct sunlight nor deep shade just somewhere sheltered but where they will catch rain water. Water them well before you leave and bring them inside again in October. 


"I get so excited by gardening,that I water my plants!"

Correction that should read

"Gardening Is so exciting I wet my plants*

Saw a hack the other day to water plants while away. Put some bottles filled with water above the plants. Put a piece of rope into the bottle and down to the soil in the plant. Water will supposedly travel dow the rope to the plants. Not tried it though

In my experience whatever you choose is wrong. It'll look in distress exactly the same regardless what is wrong; presumably in the hope it's carer makes things worse.


Good luck anyway.

When you go on holiday put them in the bath on a towel. Put the plug in and run enough water to fully wet the towel.

Doesn't matter the weather too much...but I always water indoor plants so that they are fully soaked...water coming out from the bottom of the pot. The next time I water is dependent on conditions like how much sun, temperature, type of soil. Water more often in summer because plants will dry out quicker. Less frequently in winter as the soil stays wet longer and soil stays cold...running the risk of root rot...

Spider plants go a bit limp, and look pale when thirsty. Jade plants are succulents and hold water in their leaves. You don't want to over water them.

Calmck and newmodarmy gave good advice for holiday watering.

I have 150 houseplants...I lost several over winter due to overwatering. I should have known better 😪 😔 

I find that spray-misting the leaves with rain water is a boon to plants during hot weather.

My banana plants have leaves the size of surfboards, keeps the dreaded red spider mite at bay too!

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