Robinia, hi. If you are in a place where you can read this: I thought about writing you an email asking you to just report in again even if you didn't elaborate any further, but I don't really want to add any extra pressure to whatever kind of distress it is that you are in. We all know you wouldn't keep us dangling without good reason and that's what makes it so worrying. Just know how much we love you and miss your presence here and look forward to seeing you again when it's possible for you to join us.
To all the rest of you: I know we are all holding our breath. Please let's direct some good, strong energies each other's way as well while we're waiting and wondering.
Here's my email address again if you want to share any thoughts or information that you feel should not go onto the site.
[email protected]
Please note the added letter t, to my alias. Those of you who already have my addy filed might also want to check what ending you have down after the 'yahoo' - I've recently discovered that I've given out my address incorrectly here and there. It should end with se for Sweden.
Okay, I'm off to drink a farewell cuppa with my friends and see them off at the train station. I'll check in again in a couple of hours, before I go home. (
Jude, thanks for the music. Unpredictable choice, I'm sure!)