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kags | 08:30 Tue 16th Mar 2004 | Home & Garden
8 Answers
When my son was little I let him put stickers all over his bunk beds, mainly the sort of stickers you get free in sheets with comics. Now that he is a mature 8 year old he wants rid of them, but nothing will shift them. I have stood for hours with a scrubbing brush and hot soapy water, but there is still a residue and the shiny ones won't shift at all. The bed is not made of expensive wood, it is pine with a matt varnish finish. Does anybody have any suggestions as to how we might get rid of the pesky things?


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You can buy sticky stuff remover from B and Q and lakeland, but this might damage your varnish. If you are prepared to be patient, slosh on cooking oil wait a while then gentle rubbing with a non stick pan scourer should do the trick. If you are not so patient and don't mind damaging the surface, then use a rougher pot scourer. Score the surface of the shiny ones to get to the glue or backing paper. Lasly clean off the oil with meths
Or you could try nail varnish remover - might affect the varnish though.
nail varnich remover yes, it will damage the varnish. or just sand the thing down with wet and dry then revarnish it. or rub the area hard with a lemon....wierd but sometimes effective.
The best thing I've found for removing the sticky glue residue left over from labels is lighter fuel, it's excellent and cheap. Good luck. bizzylizzzy
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Thank you everyone, loads of things I had never thought of, I will give them a try - and stickers are now banned in our house!
I agree with woofgang 'Sticky Stuff Remover is a must-have, along with Free 'N' Easy (another little gem for anything that sticks).

They should both come free with every child!!

Depending on how much daylight the bed has been exposed to, the result may be a blotchy appearance once the stickers are removed. Wickes sell a low cost stripper chemical which will remove the varnish and thereby much/most of the discolouration from affected areas. Apply new coat(s) of polyurethane varnish (silk or matt, also from Wickes) and within a year or so the patchy appearance will be undetectable as the varnish matures.
Before you try any solvents which might attack the varnish, you could try rubbing swarfega into the glue and letting in soak in for a while before washing off with soapy water.

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