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How it Works
Welcome To How It Works.Here you can find out about how almost anything works! Ask anything, from how solar panels work to how the heart works and we'll our best to explain.
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How loud, ie. any recogniseable equivalent, is 139 decibals?
i think 2 of the 3 heating elements in my Denmans 2550w auto storage heater as the the middle and one side of the heater remains cold. are there compartable elemets i can use or can this fault be...
I have recently been texting an old boyfriend who has no idea it is me as I have a new number. He said if I don't tell him who it is he has a friend who can trace the mobile and get the name and...
why are zips on trousers know as flies ??
How do you throw a playing card so that it will hurt someone (no injuries) ? Today my friend lost it playing poker,he caught an Ace , put it between his index and middle finger and threw it at me.By...
How is storm damage defined for house insurance claims and does it always cover garage damage ?
My computer keeps telling me I need to download the flash player. I have loads of times, but I still can't use some pages. I suspect it might be something to do with my internet explorer settings, but...
Hi. I have a dyson DC08. The small one that collects animal hairs and is alledgedly anit-bacterial. I have just had to stop hoovering as it over heated, almost. I say this because I could smell...
We have some low energy lights positioned on the top of our kitchen wall cupboards. If I placed mirrors under them would that increase the illuminatoion.
What is the data protection act 1998.
can anyone give me a brief lesson on how to use the 2 sets of knobs on a standard (old) tacho?
After a lot of careful consideration I have opted to buy hubby the above.Does anyone out there own a pair if so how do you rate them please.From what Ican see they have everything hubby would want...
Hi Everyone, I am using my laptop and it sometimes connects on to other peoples Internet that live around my area. I have made some purchases using my debit card details and i was worried that whoever...
My friend has got wonda-web melted on to her iron, anny suggestions how to get it off? Thanks, warpig1
or any outside thermometer... when there's a cold intermittent wind outside the temperature reading never seems to fluctuate. is the reading given just an average or the coldest temperature (when the...
explain mytosis
Just about to move into DVD recording. It looks to me as though +RW gives more flexibility. Why sould anyone want to use +R?
If you click on "Subscribe to this thread" on an answer what happens?
Are these two linked? As it is getting colder I have turned up the heating but when I do this the water in the shower gets colder, are these two items linked or am I just losing the plot?
what part of the tower actually revolves?