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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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well if you were a tortoise you'd only be 23 neti...
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on the other hand you are the equivalent of a 210 yr old tortoise.

I don't know why I'm saying all this, blame the atmospherics.
I feel like a 210 year old tortoise, does that count?
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lol woofy, me too. I could do with borrowing one of your boys please, I've just had a flock of magpies cackling and bothering a pair of woodies and I used to send Charlie to 'see 'em off' but I had to run(?) down the garden and bark myself. I've gone all hot now.
yes, yes, I heard you neti, I'm working on it, but I'll need a miracle to finish it in time...
Only 23 Neti ? I feel like a ninety year old barbie doll :)
No that's not true .It's been an absobloodylutely glorious day here .
The gardener did a grand job yesterday,trimming and strimming and mowing ,so I've spent most of the day dans le jardin .I've snipped ,sat and read a book and slurped tea between snipping. It's lovely to get the sun on your bones .Also managed to mend my garden brolly with the aid of some elastic bands and watched the birdies and their antics .
Hope you've all had a lovely day .
Very overcast and sweti here, the curries were OK, ITV not working cos of the weather, so hopefully itll be on my laptop.

Hija was out most of the day (!) so I had to run her uniform down to the restaurant where she was having lunch, honestly the life she leads!jno is your OH a protection officer, my fil was.
AND miracle of miracles.... I have lost half a kilo, brill !!
Evening all. I'm really fed up!! got up this morning and normality ruled in the unmentionable area and I was well chuffed. Then B****r me if it didn't start again about 12.30 til 2.00. :( :(
I'm not nice to know at the mo so I'll just see what the weekend brings then get back to you. It's a good job I'm not travelling anywhere.
Sorry you're having a rough time with this Jude .It sounds like IBS to me .
I'm the same sometimes .OK first thing then a few hours later dashing around .
Have you tried anything like Buscopan or Colofac ?
Jude I find that this stuff works very well. It has a tiny amount of morphine in it, so you get the third degree when you buy it, the only place I know to get it now is amazon. Yes it is completely legal. User Recommendation
I give up on here at night as my connection is so bad that I cannot post, just says can't show the page, grrrr.

oight oight in case I CANNOT GET BACK IN. Oooops
oight oight neti. We had steak and new potatoes for tea, dogs are zonked.
Think I'll join your woofers Woofy and zonk out .I'm off to my basket :)
Oight Oight lovelies ,sleep toight .

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Morning all...bright but a bit fresh. We might not have appreciated last years rain but the garden obviously did, I've never seen it so green and lush and huge!
I'll take some pics later, the gardener's hopefully coming to trim the hedges & bushes.

Oh dear Jude, it's very tedious for you. Are you having pain with it? Have you been (blood)tested for coeliac disease or vitamin B12 deficiency? If not I'd ask about them.

oh, here's Beedee staring at me through the window & waiting for raisins...he's a very bedraggled blackbird and the feathers on one side of his face are a bit sparse which gives him a beady eye appearance. :)
Morning all
Cloudy and dull here with a fresh breeze. Bit of a let down after yesterday .
Hope you are all Ok today especially Jude .How's that cough now Jno ?
Yes everything is very green Robinia .I've got a lovely show of foxgloves this year ,I'm just waiting for them to flower .We don't want last years continual downpours though ,just gentle night rain and warm sunny days .
And pigs might fly .
Morning all. Am out in village as internet at home is sh11te.
Sunny but still a chill in the air which I like but most unseasonal..

Layers if I can connect at home.
still coughing, not sure the steroids are working, thank you, but thank the lord for sleeping pills. BBC and Accuweather both say it's sunny but they lie, so I won't be in the pool for a few months yet.
I'm in the pool most days, sweeping and cleaning it until he gives it the final coat and we can fill it.
lol neti, I ceased from being a layer years ago. Its beautiful here, sunny and fresh. We all slept in this morning and the boys are back asleep again. The mower is calling but i have all day.
jno, how long a course of steroids have you got?
I am going to town tomorrow to buy a new phone, its my birthday gift to myself a bit (a lot) early.

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