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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Hop shaney had an enjoyable lunch, no marmite for her!
I absolutely love Marmite!! It is my comfort food and if it was not available I would be devastated.

We have been out to lunch and then done a Morrisons and Lidls shop. It is cold, grey and very much like the average March day here. We will be lighting the woodburner very shortly.
Its warm and lovely here but i have the hayfever sneezles that I haven't had in years...oh well.....
Evening Each. The sun finally decided to shine when it was descending at about 7.30 p.m. Cloudy all day.
I've been to school and enjoyed it. The teacher took the children outside for 15 mins and brought us all a piece of chocolate cake as she was 50 at the weekend. They've had a new play area and the children loved it.
Had a good day yesterday digging my garden and I'm doing the same tomorrow to get it really straight. I didn't do a deal last year because of my wrist. I've had a massive show of for-get-me-knots and bluebells this year so I've had to give them as 'cull' else I'll be taken over by them next year.
I'm a 'I hate' Marmite type. If I have anything on toast it's marmalade - love it. In fact I might have some as soon as I sign off here.
It's good to have you back Lottie. I hope the weather warms up for you tomorrow.
I've been informed by my window cleaner today that my guttering needs clearing out so here I go again - more expense. I don't seem to have bought any new tops for ages :(
Have a good night all. Going to get my 'wig' sorted tomorrow morning then to the auctioneers to take some stuff to be valued. I'll let you know if I'm going to be rich NOT!!
See yer laters 'gaters
I am really bloated today, it must be the heat....oight oight all
nice today, really. Might be again tomorrow. Might do something. (All I did today was take photos of tube stations and cough.)

That reminds me, Jude, I've been meaning to look at our guttering, it seems to drop rain when it ought to be leading it away to the downpipe. But when the sun comes out I forget.
gawd son has not long vacated the premises .He's got sitzfleisch as my dear old Pa in law used to say .But we had a nice lunch at a little place in Lowestoft .Simple home cooked meals and very tasty. I had steak and kidney pudding with veg and a Knickerbocker Glory which was really ,really scrummy !
Then he ferried us round Morrisons and Lidl .
It turned out a lovely day weatherwise . Hope you've all had a good day .I've got one man coming to mow ,coming to mow a meadow ( which is what the lawn is beginning to look like ) tomorrow ,so it's bedtime at Shaneytowers .
Oight Oight .
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Morning all...still dull and chilly but we're promised sun for later. Lots of people are saying they have hayfever symptoms this year woofy, I think it was the sudden rush of pollens after the late spring, the air must be full of it. My eyes are very sore.

Jude I remember in ye olden dayes how, on a warm sunny afternoon, we took our chairs and sat outside while the teacher read us our daily story, it was lovely. No hats, no sun block...that's why we all look like raisins now. :)

"simple home cooked meals"...that's what I like shaney, do they do delivery?
It'll be marmite on toast then although I go through phases with it, it's more of a winter thing for me.
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oooh, I've got a mothercare advertisement stalking me....
Hmmmph. It certainly didn't turn out to be a fine day here Shaney. It was cold all day and we lit the woodburner in the late afternoon. Even Mr LL was cold. However, things seem to be looking up and we might reach 16 or 17 degrees ;o(. Yesterday the Northerly wind was bitter and the grey remained.

I have just eated two slices of bread and Marmite for a late breakfast, which was a bit silly because I am going out to meet my friend for a chat over a cuppa and a scone at 1.00pm.

And good morning to all of you. x
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I hope that's a scone as in 'throne' and not scone as in 'all gone' Lottie :)
It's a scone as in all gone!!
Morning al, yes defo a scone s in throne,we must spek the Queen's (or Robi's) English.

Nice warmish day here, getting all the sheets changed and washed. My over th cooker ligh blew (it's he ne Ialways hate ) and it is irreparable, which means I will have to cook in the gloom, as it will never get mended.

Hija out all night, stumbled home at 10am having lest her phonein he taxi which means she will never see it again and yes it was mine and my favourite one!

Steak and kidney pudding, oh I'm sorry, I just couldn't ever eat that. Mr N would like it but I won't ever cook it. Doubtif th English shop sells fray bentos ones, I could treat him one day, but don't want too!!
Sorry about the tipos, don't know if it is me on a spanish keyboard or the laptop or just me!
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I've never been an amazing cook but steamed steak & kiddley pud was something I could make well, yummy.

Well I've had one compliment today so that'll do nicely. I've been gossiping over the front gate, as all biddies should, and an old lady I know came along and told me I didn't look old enough to be a grandma. I think she's having her cataracts done soon. :)
I asked the maid in dulcet tone
To order me a buttered scone
The silly girl has been and gone
And ordered me a buttered scone

My man must have gone to mow someone elses meadow 'cos he hasn't turned up !
I love steamed puds of any description .But I think I'll I'll pass on the Knickerbocker Glories next time round :(
Hope you are all fine and dandy .It's a lovely day here but the east wind is still nippy .

I used to like steamed bacon pudding and steamed syrup pudding when I was a kid but that's cos I like bacon and syrup (and yes since going to the states, I do like them together!) I think it is actually the kidney part that I do not like!
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oh dear shaney, are you suffering? A knickbock glo would have been too much for me too.
ooooh, syrup pudd, lovely
good afternoon all. We had a lovely run around this morning and after a brief kip, the dogs have decided to live in the garden today.
I have a day of comings and goings today. Sundry deliveries coming and freecycled items going so its a good excuse to spend the day dressed tidily and not doing much...might mow later though and I should probabaly do some housework alas.
anyway laters all
It's the ice cream Robinia .It doesn't agree .
But my mowerer has just arrived ..hooray .I've made him a cuppa and he's going through it like a dose of salts .
Bit like the knickerknocker did on my tum :)

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