PC Security of data. Who agrees when I say data of any description cannot be created on a PC and be back-dated to an earlier date - PC Properties cannot be altered by the End User.
Sorry tony_123, but you are 100% wrong. It's trivial to change both the creation and the modification dates of files on a PC. It's also a pretty common practice. For example, many software firms change all the file timestamps to be identical for every file in a package.
Let me explain a bit more guys. I thought my XP (Word 2007) was irrelevant. Docs and File names can have their date,time, creation all changed. I will move in tighter. Ignoring Print Source, when an email is sent can its time, date as fixed by a PC's time mechanism be altered to an earlier date. I am not talking about how an email is chosen to be saved. I am talking about the moment an email is created - Can such initial properties be altered.