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james wright | 19:14 Fri 11th Nov 2005 | How it Works
5 Answers
fridge wont start


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Is there another appliance you can plug in to see if the power source is OK?
Does the light come on?
Have you checked the fuse?
Hi James, While the shortness of your question is admirable in terms of saving on bandwidth and screen space etc... it would be useful to have a bit more detail on the fridge and its condition and what have you tried already?
Yes agree with qapmoc give us some detail.
If the light comes on but it is just not getting cold and no motor sound it is most likely the Thermistor (Thermosat).
If you are fairly happy with electrics you can change this yourself. There is a way of by passing this to do a fault diagnosis which will tell you for sure but the fridge will just keep going.
I will not tell you how to do this unless I know you are fairly competent with electrical safety.

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