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What Do I Say To This Man?

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abbeylee90 | 13:05 Wed 13th Mar 2024 | How it Works
76 Answers

This man I've mentioned from dogs home told me I'm general conversation he going out for lunch later to this pub and I asked had I been before he said happy to take but I never want to go anymore do I reply to that? 



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Well I been told by someone down there who has know him for 20 years to he very careful with him he likes blondes.

People also been slagging him off since he refused to come down as he has to wear a branded hi vi's. He also told me to turn back round when I told him I left the home.

Abbey, whatever your reasoning (now, it's changed a fair bit over the past year or so), at least you seem to have decided you are having nothing to do with the man.  It'd be good if you stuck to this - and maybe your life is getting to have a bit more going on it it anyway!

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Maybe that why it best he don't go dog walking again he only walked one dog he use to couple of weeks ago but still not going down every morning like he use to 

You've had months to tell this man you're not interested. Just say no.   - - - agreed - -  just do it

his dog walking habits are irrelevant ( to you) - say no

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This has been since December I haven't gone out with him 

excellent. go on saying no

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He even said whenever I ask him to go out now I says no

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So he admitted he was waiting for me to come back from dog walking and I didn't say hello. He admitted he didn't tell one of the walkers he was waiting for me but I walked back with her anyway.

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Does anyone think that sounds creepy?


"So he admitted he was waiting for me to come back from dog walking and I didn't say hello"

in fact then, despite asking for advice and getting clear advice not to engagewith him, you did anyway?

why do you bother asking advice - you never take it and do what you want anyway

Just stay away from him, abbey.  If you talk to him he might take that as encouragement.  

Oh for gods sake 🙄 

I agree Sparty. Abbey I don't think you care two hoots about what to do about this man that you keep asking about ad nauseam, you are just desperate for responses on this site. If you had a solution (which you've been given hundreds of times) you wouldn't be able to post about it would you.

what do I say to this man -  say 'no'

He was at the dog's home?

Please don't try and paint him as a stalker or a creep, Abbey. You've been quite happy to spend time with him until you decided you want a boyfriend your own age.

IMHO it sounds like a man who has been led on and is now seeking an explanation!

Abbey, you ignored everyone who told you - all last year- that you shouldn't get too friendly with this guy. Now that you're set on getting a 'real' boyfriend, he's to be classed as a total creep? 

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