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Hospice At Home

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Doreenpenman65 | 14:24 Sat 29th Jun 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

Hospice at Home Carlisle and North Lakeland

Alphabet of English Place Names to be returned by 6 August.

U - it seems that the Netherlands are rising near Wigan (2,7)

W - hesitate after putting on a warm coal (6)

any help will be much appreciated thanks



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Up Holland

Wool er (if a warm "coat")

Wool-er? Does it say 'coat' rather than 'coal'?

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Thank you to bhg481, jj109 and captain 2 for your answers.

captain 2 yes it does say coat

Can you send where to get this quiz please? The cost and prize, thank you.

Question Author

Montyminiman - prize for this quiz is £10 and the quiz costs £1. I got this from a Mrs Jean Corner

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Hospice At Home

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