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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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anyone else remember the van der Graff generator in the science museum?
Morning, - well it is to me. I didn't get up until 12.30pm. Actually I got up at 7.00am after a dreadful night and fell back into bed at 9.30ish.

I have a cluster of about six bites in and around my belly button and it is driving me bloomin' crazy. And I wasn't wearing a crop top!!!!

I feel like a part of ancient history today!!

Woofie, my Mum too took me everywhere of interest in London as a child.
Good place to live as far as siteseeing is concerned.
We went "en masse" to the Festival of Britain, I remember some of the rides and the Dome of Discovery and that is about it! Mostly our summer hols were a day trip to Brighton on the paddle steamer from Eastbourne pier, where we were allowed to run amok in the engine rooms with the sailors and we were never harmed they looked after us and gave us sweets. I still remember the big pistons going up and down, scary! Then a walk around Brighton, each getting a pressie, I remember mine was a Peter Pan book, then to the Rosemarie cafe on the sea front for fish and chips (although I do not remember having chips that early in life). Then back home on the train, which in itself was a treat and it was dark and my older bros would tease the younger one about the bogey man coming in from the hills, we loved it.
That was how childhood should be, we knew we were loved. We didn't need cpmputers por even a telly in those days. The radio with Journey into Space, and Take your Pick, that was our entertainment along with us playing charades, and colouring and eating pomegranates. For a treat we each had two squares of cadburys milk choc and a couple of spangles, once a week when mum and dad went to the theatre and a comic, mine was School Friend (with the silent three who I adored!) and my middle sis had Girl and the older one had Dance and dancers. Obviously the boys had Dan Dare!
I had School Friend and 'Bunty'!!

Our day trips were to Brighton on the train or to Selsey Bill or Wittering with my grandparents for picnics and Eastbourne to walk along the cliffs and see the Radar Station. Perhaps we passed each other Neti.

Had relations in Hove, Shoreham and Lancing and my Uncle had a hotel in Brighton where the whole family went at Christmas time, loads of uncles, aunts, cousins. Good times.
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I did have comics but don't remember being that bothered..I much preferred real books from the library. You could walk from our house to the library and only cross one road so it was one of the first places I was allowed to go on my own.
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Oight oight all. Shughy has brought a rubber chew toy up to bed with him and chewed himself to sleep..I don't have the heart to take it away from him, he has fallen asleep in the dog bed with his head on it.
We used to have a season ticket for the Science Museum when we lived in London .
My childhood was spent here on the beach and pool all in the summer .
We used to listen to the radio in the winter time and do jigsaws and things .
Read books and comics .Stick stuff in scrapbooks .I liked colouring and puzzle books .I belonged to the St Johns Ambulance Brigade and we used to go there one evening a week and learn how to bandage people and muck about with the skeleton which was in a cupboard .Our lady in charge was a bit of tippler and used to go over the road to the pub for a restorative sherry or two and leave us to it .Out came the skeleton ... and we used to dance about with it :)
I remember my dad putting me on train from here one summer ( when there was a station ) and got picked up by my eldest bro in Liverpool St .He drove me down to Kent where they lived and we went hop picking .

Hope you are all OK .Not a bad day here .No rain,quite warm and sunny .We waved to the East Coast Truckers this morning on their way to Pleasure Wood Hills and waved again on their way back this evening .
Had a nice roast beef dinner ,won a couple of bob playing cards and I'm tired now so Oight Oight .
Morning all..chilly again. Yesterday turned out really quite nice but I didn't do anything much. I think I've needed a good rest...this cold or whateveritis has gone from snuffly to a sore sinus and earache/glandular thing. hey-ho.

We went on quite a lot of day trips...London, Coventry, York, east/west coast, alton towers, twycross zoo, lol. Bro loved London and knew it as well as Nottingham, he was a real city's such a shame he never made it to New York - that wouldn't have been a day trip!
When I met my ex I couldn't believe he'd never been to London so on his birthday we skived a day off work and went on a cheap awayday :)

I loved comics, everything from the Playhour... that was a kid's comic, not a dodgy mag we found under the settee... to the Beano, Bunty, Judy and Jackie....ooh the excitement when there was some exclusive free jewellery gift. But I loved the mobile library that came to the end of the road every Monday evening, I was always being told off for reading at the dinner table.
Good moning, bright and sunny. Am going outside!
ps did anyone see George Gently last night? I think I've only ever watched it once before but the northern soul music drew me to last night's episode (first of 4 new ones) and I thought it was great. His sidekick's really good. I'll watch again.
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Just about good morning all. We had a (not really) monsters in the garden night last night but I was awake at 4.30 so we went out anyway. Went back to bed and the dogs didn't get me up till 11 am! The joys of being retired.
I watched half of the George Gently and have saved the other half because i was falling asleep. I think its a brilliant series, very human and honest, almost historical in its portrayal of times and attitudes. The sidekick. (Jim Bacchus) is changing and growing as the series's (is that right?) progress. Mind you I am Judge John Deed fan as well, and still watch the Professionals on daytime.
I watched that stupid other thing on ITV, because I saw the first episode and am curious now. It's useless, but I shall see it out. I like Martin Shaw whatever he is in.

The weather swiftly deteriorated, now overcast and the garden isn't calling out to me any more!!
Hi all
Was nice here but clouded over now. I'm going to watch George Gently later on catch up .I've seen them all it's very good .I love Lee Ingleby .
The original books by Alan Hunter were set in Norfolk but in TeeVee land they've moved him to Durham .
Hope you are all OK ..Pip pipfor now .
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I had never thought of them being books...what an idiot...have just bought the kindle edition of the omnibus book (first 4 stories) many thanks. Am still sat here in jammies and dogs are snoring....I should get a shower......
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PS Hotel chocolat have got a sale on and the p and p is less than the parking charge in town and they take paypal......I may have splurged.......
Alan Hunter lived in Brundall Woofy not far from here .
The characters in the books are not the same as in the programme though apart from George himself .
Jim Bacchus isn't in the books .
I have been washed and dressed for about an hour Woofy!!! Am feeling cold and miserable.
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Thanks for that Shaney. I like vintage whodunnits especially those written at the time. The ones written later dont seem to have the same flavour.....I still haen't showered and the dogs are still snoring.
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Hot tea or soup! and snuggle under a rug. I keep one slung over the back of the settee especially for cold mizzog days.

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