I'm granny grump with this heat, we are on storm warnings now, just when I have washed our bedding!
Good morn ing.
Oh woofy you poor dogs and poor you.
Our health system here is very good, couldn't be better, the only waiting times for ops are in the summer because they do not like to operate on minor things in the heat. Obviously big ops go ahead, but huge health risks with the heat, dust and humidity!
Can usually get to see doctor the same day, or if wanted for in the week we get to pick time and date!!
Just got my invite to another mamogram in Sept, at least they keep on top of it <<<< (i)very quick and painless(i)>>>> say they!! mustn't use talc, or deodorant or creams on bazooms or armpiuts, I didn't know that as they can show up as stains on the xray (can't think of the english word for it!)