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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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Morning's absolute crip here, cold and wet. I'm the same as you shaney, I had a cleaning day, but only downstairs and I've paid for it since last night.

neti, shove that daughter out and adopt me! :) I had to grow up fast & I've never been mollycoddled or chauffeured about and started earning my own money at 13. If I missed the last bus home it was shanks' pony, sometimes I was a bit frightened but I don't remember ever meeting up with trouble.... the neighbourhood was probably more scared of me :)
By the time my two were old enough to go out alone I was on my own with them so they became indpendant too. In fact once they could drive they used to come and pick me up sometimes...'Do you know what time it is mother?!'
Sorry you've had a nother thing to worry about Jude, it does seem to happen that way. I'm doing an ostrich impression at the moment, otherwise I think I'd go mad. My motto nowadays is 'when you don't know what to do, do nothing'.

Re EE neti, yes these tv soaps/dramas really irritate me sometimes when they've got some 'secret'...I'm thinking 'for pity's sake just tell her/him!!' I think they probably teach people how to make a drama out of a crisis sometimes. I blame the tele for a lot of things. :)
Hija has just taken me out for lunch, which was very nice, but they wil still want to eat tonight so am off to make scotch eggs!!
Just made 4 scotch eggs from scratch ie skinning sausages, whizzing up breadcrumbs, the a spanish omellette, then chicken wings, I now stink of frying yuk, hope family appreciate me!!
you're a star's your prize

you're a lovely mum neti.

Awful painful day today,a not worth knowing one. so it's oight oight everyone.
sorry all
evening all, another hot sunny day on the Danube. Wonderful food on board, good excursions, and I can get onto the internet occiasionally. Sorry to hear you're discomforted, Jude, and hope all is well soon. We ran jno jnr round alot as it suited us that he didn't learn to drive and take our car. His inability to drive is now his gf's problem (as she does the driving) not ours. I'm sured he will learn some day as she has been drivinghim round Apulia (same area as we recently holidayed in, by conicidence) and he is a conscientious boy. Nearly 30 year old boy.
Keboard going bananas so will sign out
Oh yoohoo Jno and sunny on the Danube ? Hmmm ..wet and dreary on the Yare :) Sounds lovely though ..I bet you wish we were there ....on second thoughts
Oh dear Jude ..I hope you soon feel better ..this weather doesn't help either .It's been pretty grim here today .Stair rods at one stage .
I'm debating about going to bed ....but it's too early because I sleep and then wake up at silly o'clock and have to listen to Sammy the Seagull greeting all his mates from the telegraph pole outside .
Hospital for us tomorrow anyway .Flow tests ....oh well's an outing of sorts ..haha.
Wet and dreary on the Wensum too!! I want to be on a river cruise. Sorry you are in so much pain Jude, hope you get painkillers sorted out properly.
Went out at 1.00, back at 2.30 and went back to bed. I feel flu like and very tired and achey, but it's just the fibro, I am sure. Last week I overdid things and my timeclock went haywire. Cancelled a consultation with a Pilates lady that I had tomorrow. I can't face it.

Wish I was on the sunny Danube with jno!!

Hope the flow tests go OK Shaney. x

Oight, oight.
Morning pan scrubbers... :)

Hi jno, make the most of that sunshine! Damp and dreary on the Derwent.

Good luck at the hospital @ the 'outing'. I know what you mean. :)
Sorry you've been in pain Jude, hope you feel better today...and Lottie too. What a creaky lot of old buffers we are.

Speaking of old I do believe it's someone's birthday today, haha... ducks.

Have a lovely day, I hope the sun shines for you.
Hi all
Just a quick pop in as we are out shortly .Hope you are all ok ....
And ..HAPPY BIRTHDAY WOOFY .....hope you have a lovely day and Many Happy returns xx
Happy Birthday Woofie xxxxxxx

Hope all goes well Shaney.

Am having a bad time this week, in constant pain and feel exhausted. Am blaming the activities of the week before - but I am not a good person to be around at the moment. Am feeling really sorry for myself as there is so much I would like to do and can't do anything!

Happy Birthday Woofy hope it was a good one
Oh well that was all pretty uneventful . Mr.S. now has to wait to see the head honcho ...again .
We came out of the hospital to piddling rain so bussed back and had a salad meal in the local eatery ,Mr S practically ran back home ( lol) and I had a quick dive round Morrisons for some odds and ends and that's my outing done :)
At least I don't have to cook tonight now .
Sorry you feel steamrollerd Lofty .Horrible isn't it .My joints are giving me gyp today .Bloody weather doesn't help .
sorry everyone is feeling low, you all need holidays in Europe (except Neti who is on one most of the year).

email from jno jnr says he is being offered free seats at unfilled Olympic events, I gather things still not running like clockwork then?

Lovely day in Passau today. Passed by a Swarovski cruise ship partly covered in sparkly crystal. How vulgaire. Tomorrow lovely day expected in Regensburg.
Yoohoo Jno ...yes lots of empty seats but at least we got a couple of Gold Medals today and the sight of Boris flapping along on a zip wire where he got mightly stuck and called for a ladder ....very funny .But he was a good sport to do it really .
There's a church in Regensberg ..St Ulrich ...named after Mr S ...but he's no saint :)
Oight Oight .
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Thank you all for your good wishes. I had a really nice day, we went out and had a picnic lunch at the sea and watched the boats and generally did frivolous things. The new fast broadband is in and I am very pleased with it.
The dogs were still quite sleepy all day which we were warned could be an after effect of the vacs as it was the year when they get the lot.....or it could have been plain laziness ha ha at any rate they are back to normal this morning.
I ended up with two real Brady cakes as sis who is staying with me bought one and my other crazy sis who lives in Kent, also bought one and sent it through the post!! It arrived looking "travelled" but relatively intact so we had double sized plates of cake for dessert. Very nice.
Sending pain free thoughts for biddies and families today
Morning all...lovely day so far....all these aches 'n pains must be the weather, I've got such a bad back but I've done nothing to deserve it.

Glad you had a good day woofy...and I assume an uneventful hospital visit is better than a difficult one shaney? Hope mr s is ok.

jno is the whole of London with you? It seems it's turned into a ghost town...well, it's quiet. Some poor small tourist-y businesses are really struggling and there was a Mayfair hotel who'd normally charge £500 p night offering rooms for £100!!

If my bloomin washer doesn't hurry up the weather will have changed
Nice day here too. My aches and pains have eased quite a bit today. Have had two nights of better sleep. Yesterday I wept alot because of the pain right down my back and legs and round my ribs. I was ready to down all the painkillers in one go (not that I would!!)

Will probably take Meggie for a gentle walk down to the river

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