I'm currently jobhunting for the first time in years and what's becoming apparent is that recruitment agenices are really poor at communicating!! For example, I have attended interviews via the agency...
What career / education advice can i take to help my son achieve his ambition of becoming an airline pilot? I have suggested he seeks advice from the RAF. He is not keen to go back for A levels so...
after picking up the courage and thinking a positive yes im going to do it, no more hanging round thinking shall i shant i, i decided to apply to go to uni. The same week i fell out with my mum, so i...
It's not the same as resgining-I will do that later as a formality, but at the moment I need to tell my boss that I have been offered another job before he receives a letter asking him for a...
i have a barber shop but im expanding into womans hairdressing,does anyone know how much to charge when renting chairs,and are they responsible for buying the stock ie tints colours perm lotion and...
I am 23 years old, have 3 higher qualifications in physics english and maths and hae completed an NC in aeronautical engineering. I am now set on gaining employment offshore. I need to know how I can...
hey. i've recently moved over here to the uk and iam looking for work any place in the uk with accommodation supplied.i have looked on a couple of websites i.e- tnt magazine and anywork anywhere...
This may sound silly but I just cannot remember what qualifications I got in school. It was back in 1982 and for the life of me I can't recall which subjects I did and which I passed and which I...
I've got an interview for a job as a trainee concrete pump driver/operator. Is this a good job to get into? Is there a future in it and how does it pay? What are the working conditions like? Im 37 and...
I am 17 and my friend told me their is shortly an opening in our local hospital for a sterile services operative, before i apply i would like to know some more information about the role, like what do...
I work 24 hours a week over 4 days (6 a day). I get 16 days holiday a year. Company holidays have to be taken 1/1/07 - 31/12/07. I have just handed in my notice finishing on Fri 19th Jan. Am I...
I'm covering a drama class for 4 and 5 year olds on Saturday and am desperate for some warm up games and vocal warm ups that wouldbe suitable. Any ideas?
What are critical incident reports? How can they be applied in the workplace? please note, I am not looking for medical profession related answers as thats all search engines give...Help!!...thanks :)...
I am writing my CV. I am having trouble with the sentence " I find my present job unsuitable" I am not happy with the wording unsuitable. As I am writing to apply for any job that they have going I...
Where could I find a simple list of English towns with a poulation in and around 15,000?I need to go a comparison between them in terms of goods and services offered.