I'm not sure that you understand what you are saying about becoming very ill. I've seen that happen, of course, to teachers who are stressed beyond breaking and working 16 hours a day - with inimical (supposedly neutral) reviewers hovering behind them.
You are not talking about that sort of stress.
You are talking about an ordinary, fairly easy, job as a dental receptionist (if I've got that right?). If so I've known two ladies who did that job and both enjoyed it and did not find it stressful.
Seriously, Abbeyleigh, I think that you have misunderstood the definition of 'work'. It means that you put yourself out. That you do something for someone else for recompense. Just 'being you' won't hack it. You have to learn to strain, stress a little and fulfil the expectations of your bosses (I am very aware that you must not stress beyond your capabilities).
You talk about warehouse work. OK, that's fine for now. What happens when you get older and physical work is too much for you? You need to think about this very seriously now you have reached 30.
I'm sorry to have to be so straight with you, Abby, but it is very important for your future. Re-think your life and be resolute, please. You cannot coast along, I'm sorry, but that is the truth.