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Should I Start Looking For A New Job?

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abbeylee90 | 17:12 Mon 10th Jun 2024 | Jobs & Education
347 Answers

Basically my hours have been cut in selco to 24 hours for 4 weeks as I am not grasping the products with it becoming summer it is getting busy and they can't have another cashier with me so if I don't grasp within 4 weeks won't be able to have me as a cashier. I am very upset as I enjoy it.



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abbey, why are you talking about leaving?  I thought it was all sorted now.

"So at the moment they put a ban on overtime for staff so only like of any sickness or holidays and would probably only get guaranteed full time hours if I left."

I meant to add. that doesn't make any sense to me the way you've written it.

Naomi- I'm wondering if abbey meant "if 1 [person] left" rather than "if I left"

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Sorry I meant if someone left 


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So if be guaranteed 20 hours per week but my boss said he will try and give me as many hours as he can.

You must be doing well there, abbey.  Good for you.  

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Yeah but hopefully I do get my full time hours back.

So you are now guaranteed only  20 hours a week?

How many hours per week do you mean by 'full-time', abbey?

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Was 37 when I started but now they haven't got the budget.

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At the moment I be going in 4 hours per day.

Abbey, will you be able to manage financially if there aren't any more hours to be had? 20 per week isn't sustainable for long , surely? 

there must be a job going down at the local job centre for you with the impeccable CV that you have and now with Beer Warmer in charge.....

Who's Beer Warmer?

which toadstool have you been living under all these past few months? Keir Starmer - after his beer party in Durham.

From your reply I take it you are a Tory.What's your nicknames for that bunch of losers? 😂😂😂😂😂😂✌🏿.

no liberal......even labour friends I know have called him that or 'Field Farmer'....

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That what I mean they were meant to do my new contract but I don't know if it was because the person I replaced came back  

You should be applying  for a new job on a daily basis Abbey. 

Because the jobs you have been offered, you stuff up🙄

I'm not sure what you're trying to say abbeylee.

They probably think that the person who came back has more experience and ability in the role than you do.

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