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What Shall I Do?

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abbeylee90 | 15:04 Sun 14th Jul 2024 | Jobs & Education
315 Answers

I've deiced to make a new thread so I'm having trouble at work I been getting 37.5 hours per week but bow said they havent got the budget to pay me  overtime.I got 10 which is 2 hours per day which im not happy about. Before after my 2 week trial on the till they said they would give me my new contract I don't why they haven't unless because someone came back or after my probation. I'm also having trouble with a supervisor I don't think she likes me but she brought there have been issues with me scanning items wrong and they loosing stock. I don't feel respected.



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Doing 2 hours and might wanna see me about going home sick

Did you ask if you could go home - or did you just go?

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Just said I need to go home

To your supervisor?  

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Just a manager 

A manager is above a supervisor - yes?  And what did the manager say?

Abbey, I think most employers would anticipate having a word with an employee who'd had to leave, for health reasons, during their working hours. Part of this is to ensure that the employee is fit to be back at work. Employers have many responsibilities now, a duty of care and so on. 

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Only just call if still sick Monday 

So you had permission to go home.  That's ok.

Abbey, if you were given the OK to go home, you have nothing to worry about re that. Someone, a boss, supervisor, whatever might have a word with you tomorrow - to make sure you'll be fine for whatever shifts you have lined up. 

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Hopefully I don't get discipline 

Abbey, I wouldn't think you'd get 'disciplined', though I am not sure what's involved! I know people who have been 'counselled' after being off work- one of them is in a job where you get counselled three times and then further action is taken!

If you told them about your medical condition on your application everything should be all right

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I think that is it. It's not worth giving up my time 2 hours per day.

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Cal if they asked I'm sure I would have.

Good evening,

Abbey you took the job knowing it was 10 hours you struck lucky when the offered you a trial, but now due to monetary restrictions they have gone back to the hours you were employed for.

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Because I had another job with it at the time.

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Don't know how I'll tell my mum

Tell her what? You had an hour off sick?

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