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abbeylee90 | 15:04 Sun 14th Jul 2024 | Jobs & Education
315 Answers

I've deiced to make a new thread so I'm having trouble at work I been getting 37.5 hours per week but bow said they havent got the budget to pay me  overtime.I got 10 which is 2 hours per day which im not happy about. Before after my 2 week trial on the till they said they would give me my new contract I don't why they haven't unless because someone came back or after my probation. I'm also having trouble with a supervisor I don't think she likes me but she brought there have been issues with me scanning items wrong and they loosing stock. I don't feel respected.



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Working 10 hours per week

Surely your mum's noticed you only work 2 hours a day... or do you stay out all day like you used to in the last job so she thinks you're working a lot more?

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I haven't yet as I had seizure Thursday and came home early Friday 

Abbey, did you tell your mum when your hours were cut down to 24? You will have to tell her that they're now down to 10 - and OK, you might get a full-time position if someone leaves, but who knows when that will be (if ever). You can't keep lying to her, hiding things from her - if you do, you are adding to your own problems, stresses etc. Are you looking around for a job with better hours? 

Good morning,

I am sorry to hear about your seizure, but on a positive note at least you won't have to find the money for driving lessons now.

I am still very confused, looking over your questions and many answers it appears you left your job in the launderette know that this job was 10 hours, people did try to convince you to do the 2 jobs together but you said it would be too much for you.

Fast forward 4 months and you are back at the beginning again, it appears your new employers are following where your previous employers have gone. 

They offered you are really good chance at a full time job and you have unfortunately been unable to handle the stress.

newmod, abbey's mother works herself so doesn't necessarily know what abbey is doing the day

Have you gone into work today Abbey?

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 I told her about 24 hours yes.

I thought it was going to be to much but I took this one incase it didn't work. They haven't said I'm not coping with stress on the tills they just said they are not allowed to give me overtime.

Hopefully by next year I will have money for driving lessons and thinks have changed.

My mum works full time.

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Yes I had my back to work meeting.

What was said at the meeting?

Abbey Lee you can't drive if you have regular seizures.

Are you allowed to drive with your seizure diagnosis?

Why not tell her about your hours being restricted to 10 hours a week. That way she will understand why you're not buying new things or presents or going out and why you might struggle to pay your housekeeping to her on time some weeks/months. £100 or so a week isn't going to cover driving lessons as well. Do you also pay travel costs  as they must take a chunk out of you £20 a day income.

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For a year but this is first one in 3 years.

What shall I say as I was full time when I first told her.

Only asked what was wrong or had I had any sick days before etc

Abbey is well and truly muddled. She can't be given any overtime because she is either still on probation, or she is on a zero hours contract. Instead of asking for more hours she is maybe asking for 'overtime' and is being rightly told they are not allowed as on a zero hours contract you cannot have overtime.

Abbey. I'm glad you told your mum when your hours were cut back to 24. I think you'll need to tell her that they've been cut back even more now. (Yes, she's likely to be disappointed, but I think she'd rather have that than more months of you lying to her, keeping things from her).

Although  you mentioned  that no-one said you weren't coping with the stress of being on the till, you did have major problems learning the necessary codes. You seemed to be getting the hang of that..then Selco have stopped giving employees more hours (although you always refer to is as overtime.) Do you think it's likely that your hours will jump back up again? Would you be prepared to wait weeks, months for that? 

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I've applied for jobs but not many. One staff from just went back to 37 but not coping so back to 30 so see what happens there.

Abbey, 'see what happens there' - do you mean you'd hope to be given those 7 hours? That would still have you doing only 17 hours, definitely far too few (for your finances!)

Can you have another chat with your boss and see if you can get any indication of your future role, hours etc?

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Yes that's still not much been getting 37.5 hours which is a big drop.

Not sure it will work if he has told me they haven't got the budget to pay me.

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They have given me 10 hours again next week.

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