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Eu Leaders Have Offered To Help Labour Unpick Boris's Bodged Brexit Deal.

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gulliver1 | 10:06 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | News
108 Answers

Sir Keir Starmer says work has already begun negotiating with the EU to change the Bodged Tory deal . We intend to improve our relationship with the EU and that means closer trading with the EU."I do think Labour can get a much better deal than the Botched deal Boris saddled the UK with".           ....๐Ÿ˜Ž.Is this the start of getting Brexit Undone...Hope so.๐Ÿ˜Ž



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Ha ha, I bet they have. In much the same way that Mugabe's former henchmen were at the Polling Stations in Zimbabwe "helping" people with their voting. 

Starmergeddon here we come.

Of course they have!

And so the unpicking of democracy begins.

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Boris is getting a little annoyed that Labour are picking the bones out of his Bodged Brexit deals, and saying that the UK should put his Oven ready deals into a Microve   ๐Ÿ˜ŽTo try and Reheat them.๐Ÿ˜Ž

I think I preferred it when gully was moaning about the tories 15 times a day.

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Bring on the "Lets Rejoin the EU" Referendum.  The Yes! vote will be ๐Ÿ˜ŽOverwhelming๐Ÿ˜Ž Just like when Labour came to power at the GE๐Ÿ˜Ž.

funny how 52% voted for Brexit yet the Quislings moan every day but their beloved Labour party was elected with only 20%!

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10.44 Tora Tora Tora... The Tory.  It's even Funnier still, how the Tories lost the election and Labour came storming in with a huge majority almost double of what Boris's majority was in 2019. After all your feeble excuses why the Tories lost .At the end of the day it's Goals that count. LABOUR  won and you lost.     .....๐Ÿ˜ŽEnd of๐Ÿ˜Ž.....

Yeah but Boris got 29% of the electorate.

Nothing needs unpicking except the bits the EU required before they'd proceed with it. I don't see the EU helping get rid of those; so it has to be a lie.


The EU rejected the so called "oven ready" deal so again, obviously they aren't going to accept it now.


Best option is to get rid of the Irish Sea internal border and the EU decides to finally take responsibility for their own EU border checks. Don't hold your breath.

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Tora Tora Tora @ 12.09 But you still lost this General Election. And got pushed into oblivion for the next decade at least. No matter how many percent voted for Boris in 2019 .           Boris and his days of Glory are long gone now and into the history books alongside the Tory Party.๐Ÿ˜ŽGet it๐Ÿ˜Ž.

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OG 20.19 "Best option is"  To rejoin the EU.

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Johnson warns that LABOUR is beginning a "Great sell out" of the British public over Brexit ...This is one time I hope Boris is telling the truth.

well bliddy good show

Brexit as predicted meant more paperwork and less loolah ( money going to punters' pockets)

as if we didnt all know

Oh yeah and those lovely blue passports, and a few hundred million a week for the NHS wh never arrived - (the bus had left that one! haw haw haw)

Tora Tora Tora @ 12.09 But you still lost this General Election.

yeah tora - now deal with it - you llost!

now who was it who used to trumpet that over Brexit?

Interesting you think selling out the British public is a good thing?

I know you are hard of thinking but honestly.

It's obvious from all his previous postings that gulliver has no interest in the UK or its people. He has ensonced himself in another country and yaps on the sideline like a discontented puppy, anxious only to annoy as many as he can.

vulcan: " He has ensonced himself in another country and yaps on the sideline like a discontented puppy, anxious only to annoy as many as he can." - naaa, I doubt he's ever been out of the country. Probably sitting in his Y fronts in his mums attic in skeggy, dreaming of one day talking to a girl or going down the pub.

The majority of the electorate now realise that Brexit is a complete disaster for the UK; but 52% voted in 2016 (more than 8 years ago) for Brexit must never by undone – that would be undemocratic, accepting the will of the people.

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Tora Tora Tora 14.51 "Dreaming one day talking to a girl"

 Every time you answer one of my posts. I think I am talking to a little girl

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