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Eu Leaders Have Offered To Help Labour Unpick Boris's Bodged Brexit Deal.

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gulliver1 | 10:06 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | News
108 Answers

Sir Keir Starmer says work has already begun negotiating with the EU to change the Bodged Tory deal . We intend to improve our relationship with the EU and that means closer trading with the EU."I do think Labour can get a much better deal than the Botched deal Boris saddled the UK with".           ....😎.Is this the start of getting Brexit Undone...Hope so.😎



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I should add that should 100% of the electorate want the UK to rejoin the EU – that would be undemocratic (to do so) as we have made our decision in 2016.

hymie: "The majority of the electorate now realise that Brexit is a complete disaster for the UK" - do you have any sort of research to back that up? Just saying continually doesn't make it true.

TTT – it would not matter if you looked at current polling data re Brexit – see my post above.

what polling data? You have not published any just your usual fantasy land BS.

according to this just over 50% regret having the vote, so I assume they mean they regret the outcome too.

hardly a majority.

ok pedants over 50% is techincally a majority but from the way hymie carries on you'd think it was 90%.

And its just a poll TTT.

No one asked me.  It's easy to get the poll you want (or were paid to find).

Hope so too gulliver,but will my boss get back the hundreds of thousands he had to pay to set up an office over in Spain?Well Sir Keir?Well EU?

Ahh didums, your boss was quite happy when the public were funding your business I suppose?

Even TTT’s link shows a majority who now realise it was the wrong decision to leave the EU – but that is their hard luck, never let democracy get in the way of Brexit.

@15.50.Nah,hun,my boss played by the rules,any money he recieved during lock-down was paid back.Us Scots might have a bad reputation thanks to the Weegies and Dundonians,but dont paint us decent Scots in the same league as them.

How can you be sure your boss paid back all the loans?

It's good to see our friends in Europe looking to lubricate the channels that have mostly dried up since Brexit.

@16.52.How can you be sure he didnt hun?

I have asked you before not to refer to me as, "hun" but for some reason, you've ignored that request.

Now I am telling you, do not call me "hun" or any variation of it, okay?

Sorry hun,no can do.Lets agree to a compromise,i will stop calling you hun if you start calling me sweet little miffy?Deal?

Given Labour’s position on Europe (including closer trade), I’m surprised that they haven’t announced that the UKCA mark will no longer be required for medical and building products.  The Tories had already given up on this UKCA nonsense for most products – but not Govee’s government department.


Labour could announce this, followed up by the necessary legislation; at present manufacturers are having to gain approval for the UKCA mark, which can easily exceed £100k for each medical product.

This is the price of sovereignty, with UK consumers paying the price for unnecessary bureaucracy in bringing products to the market.

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It is very nice of the EU for their very  kind offer to help the New Labour Govt.  To rejoin the EU . But I think most of the voters who voted leave ..eight years ago would definitely vote to rejoin now .Lets get Brexit ....*Undone.*   So you can all skip and dance amongst those sunny uplands again . Go for it.

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