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Good Morning Early Tuesday Birds!

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Smowball | 06:22 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
22 Answers

For those who didn't see my post last night I spend half of it getting messages from woman whom I'd sold something to online a week ago &  had now decided that it was faulty & was demanding a refund! (Personally I think she's broken it!)long story but she's being a complete pain.  Case of refunding just to shut her up even tho I know she's in the wrong, or standing my ground.......

On another note it's going to be another glorious day it seems. Youngsmow was saying how how his new flat is so so hot & that they & baby were melting! So MIL showed me the brand new air conditioning unit that she's just bought for her new house, in sale from £145 to £109 yesterday, so I've ordered him one of those to arrive today. She says it's absolutely brilliant & she's has high standards! Even if we don't get much more heat I think it will really help them.

Will be doing some work at home, some stocking up on household bits ie cat food etc for when I'm away & OH is here on his own,& another warm day racking my braing what to do for dinner! What are we all eating for dinner in this heat??



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Morning Smow, I'm sure the AC unit will be much appreciated.

I just had a poached egg on toast last night, I didn't want a big meal

Wow, that was a lot to read😏

Keeping well?

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Morning Barry - ooh I haven't had a poached egg for ages! Very tasty!

Morning Oz...just like to keep you on your toes lol! Am ok thanks, just nice having a rain free week! : )

And here am I thinking rain would be nice.

I can still touch my toes Smow, but, it takes some effort these days😠

You should take up yoga, ozzie.  It's important to keep flexible.

Do you do the "up dog" pose Baz?

Asking for someone that doesn't give a ***🤣

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What's the 'up dog' pose? lol

You're so pure Smow🤣

I call it the cobra, Smow. Lie face down on the floor and slowly raise your head and chest.  Excellent back stretch and strengthener

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lol OZ - I know!! (Ahem......)

Ohhh I know what you mean now Barry! 


Any other positions to recommend Baz?

All stretches and strength exercises are good, ozzy.

Standing on one leg is great for balance and core muscles. You won't do yourself an injury either 

Unless I fall over😒

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We're waiting for photos boys !! lol

 I have a few hours to myself today.  Mr U off to local brewery with a ouple of mates.  Idiots are cycling in this heat.

At least I will be able to get on with my clearing out without him saying 'you can't get rid of that, it may be useful.'

We are living on salads at the moment, do not want to do too much cooking when it's hot.

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Morning ubasses. Cycling in this heat?? Madness lol! 
Yes we had salad lastnight with chicken but need a few more ideas lol

I have salad for lunch, 365 days a year

Good morning Smow & all. Sorry you've had all this palaver with hot tub pump! I'm sure your son will be thrilled with his new air conditioner! Cooked a chicken yesterday but only picked bits 1 little roast potato couple of carrots and couple pieces of chicken. Too hot to bother for myself. Probably do fish n chips for to tonight but I'll probably just have cheese n tomato roll & crisps. Have a good day everybody 😃

Morning Smow and everyone. Older son has one of those AC units and finds it a god send, it has the added bonus of reducing his itchy/sore eyes from hayfever.

Salad for us tonight, its too hot for cooking I think we have most of the bits in

Have a happy day y@all and hope you manage to find some cool

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