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What Do I Do About This Job?

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abbeylee90 | 17:41 Thu 07th Nov 2024 | Jobs & Education
315 Answers

Sorry I know I got a thread about this but won't let me reply anymore. At the moment I'm really in doubt got loads of pros and cons 



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That I changed my mind and thanked me for letting them know.

A good result for all parties I reckon.

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I went in today and think I did right thing not taking it.

Gonna need a bigger boat.

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Don't think I would have liked it.

Was it not like a normal shop then?

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Just like a b&m but loads of out of date stuff and a lamb with no instructions.

was there no ewe's by date on it?

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Easter egg

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I came out out empty handed.

"a lamb" ??

Maybe it was in the Nativity section, pasta....but more likely it was in the Chilled/Frozen Foods bit

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Yeah lamb

As Bailey's explained on their Facebook page they do actually sell out of date stuff which they are allowed to do. But what would that matter anyway if you worked there and were being paid full time hours/money?  If Bailey's store are not breaking any laws then their staff can happily receive their £500 per week wages for full time hours and you can keep getting your £114 per week for your 10 hours a week at selco.

Out of date stuff is irrelevant as they state this is true and allowed.


Please remember Abbey that the full time job (40 hours per week) you turned down at Bailey's would have earned you (or the new person they will now employ in your place) a total of £23,795 for the year. 

At Selco with 10 hours per week you will earn £5948 for a whole year.

You have really turned down the chance to earn an extra £17,846 or lost out on this amount of money for just one year.

I would not care about them selling out of date stuff if I was getting £17,846 extra for a year's work.

For some people that is the sort of money they need to earn if they want to live in a place of their own.

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Did 4 hours overtime other day.

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How do I tell people that don't I'm working at selco when I been there 9 months?

Apart from your parents, I don't see why telling anyone else where you work is important or necessary .. having said that, your parents often seem unaware of where you work and the hours you spend there!

Why would anyone be particularly interested in where you work. If someone asks just tell them 

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Few close friends I don't see very often 

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