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What Do I Do About This Job?

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abbeylee90 | 17:41 Thu 07th Nov 2024 | Jobs & Education
315 Answers

Sorry I know I got a thread about this but won't let me reply anymore. At the moment I'm really in doubt got loads of pros and cons 



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Did they something about this job that upset you? Maybe start a new thread if it's about friendship issues

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No nothing about that. What do I say?

Abbey, your last few posts make very little sense - sorry! And they're definitely nothing to do with your original question....

"Sorry about my friend. I sometimes make bad choices."- or something like that.

But it's just confusing this thread about your job.

Did you get chance to look in at Baileys today and maybe take in your letter?

What are you talking about Abbey.  "Some guys sat on you"!!,! Do you mean some guys came and sat at your table and bought you and your friend a drink? Then you got upset because your friend bought them a drink? 

Some of these garbled posts and random changes of topic, and inability to take advice on board, lend support to the view that we are not the best people to help abbey with her issues

newmodarmy I've been saying this for a while.


I agree nma and bars.

Which is why I rarely comment these days - I've tried my best to give honest advice.  Nothing is being heeded - I think we are probably a useful sounding board for Abbeylee to shoot off tensions and worries,  but that is all.  She needs professional help.

My use of 'garbled' sounds harsh. I'm just trying to say Abbey writes things which make perfect sense to her but not to us so we struggle to help.

Well, some of these posts are garbled, with bad spelling and no punctuation, and then we get the odd one with perfect grammar and spelling..

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I've wrote a separate post.

Just to close this off, abbey has confirmed on her "snapping at man in bar " thread  that she rang Bailey's yesterday evening to tell them she wouldn't be joining them after all.

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So only past my probation today in selco.

Understand Abbey is in her early 30s.  I fear she will still be posting here about clothes, dates, jobs etc when she is in her 50s.  I understand she has health issues, but doubt there is anyone on her who can help with that.  Feel professional help is needed but no doubt will be shot down in flames!

We agree maggiebee. A referral to a pyschotherapist is needed IMO.

Abbey- it's good that you have passed your probation (although I'm not sure what the purpose is of a probationary period as an employer can dismiss an employee with less than 2 years of service without a fair reason or a fair disciplinary or dismissal procedure (except where it's discriminatory) during the first 2 years.)

I wonder if Selco had received a reference request from Baileys

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A friend said I made the right decision.

Do you agree with your friend Abbey?

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What did Bailey's say when you phoned them, abbey?  What did you tell them?

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