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MP's with degrees

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sponsmith | 22:21 Thu 01st Jun 2006 | Jobs & Education
4 Answers
Are there any current MP's with a degree in politics.
If so who are they?


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Sorry, I can't provide you with any names but the University of York's Department of Politics website claims that 12 of their graduates are current MPs, including 3 ministers of state.

If there are that number of York graduates in the House of Commons, the total number of MPs with a degree in politics is probably quite high. tm

Which makes me wonder how a bunch of such apparently woefully inept and useless people managed to get these degrees.
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Thanks Chris, also i totally agree with you Catso, although having a degree these days dosen't really mean much!
Like Premiership football managers requiring their A Plus coaching badge to manage a premiership club. Do you think all MPs should have to do a degree in Politics to be allowed in to the Commons.

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MP's with degrees

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