ah, i see.
I would suggest mocking up a full copy on your computer - get some glossy paper and a decent printer - but put the pages in one of those folders from woolies or somewhere full of plastic sleeves (attached). Don't go with staples and i'd suggest black as it looks most professional. (or get it properly bound if you can afford it)
you could also mount the cover, Logo, name, and a few select pages on A1 sheets of black mount board (any art shop) and get some kind of easel or stand to display them on (again an art shop or perhaps viking-direct.co.uk.
Then you must write a mission statement and learn your blurb off pat so that when you present it, it doesn't sound memorised but that you believe and feel it. ( I am sure you do anyway)
I would suggest also working out some budgetary, pricing, market, target audience etc information ( though you can't have all the facts - they will know this kind of thing too) it will look very serious and professional if you have done your research, especially into what your target audience wants.
also research, why this hasn't been done before and why there is a hole in the market - also research, why if it has been done, why didn't it work? it may well be something similar has been tried and failed - so find out.