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My car was reversed into on Sunday in a car park and surprisingly the bloke that did it left me his contact details ...
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I am building a new kitchen most of whose windows will be immediately adjacent to a neighboring field (in case it is relevant, there was previously a conservatory along the same line with rather more...
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My telephone connection is from a pole in the street over my neighbour's front garden to my house. On the way it encounters some rapidly growing conifers. With the increasing winds, who will be...
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I have been told that if a candidate from the EU applies for a vacancy they must be given an interview, even if they live outside the UK and aren't suitable, can anyone please clarify whether this is...
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Hi, Just a point of interest here. If a contractor does a job for you but doesn't send his invoice in for over a month do you have to pay it immediately just because they write on it due for payment...
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hi, iv written into family court as i already have a contact order in place with my ex but we have 6 months to go back to change things etc and iv asked for it to go back to court to change some...
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Not sure if this is the right place to post this... The back seat of my car has two seatbelts, but there is room for three small people in the back. I think the law says that for cars which do not...
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Hi all, I recently bought a piece of furniture from a charity shop. I paid £100. However, before delivery, I measured the space to find it wouldn't fit. Went back to shop, explained and they said...
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Have been given 3 months notice due to my length of service - if I manage to find employment earlier in this time period, am I still entitled to the full 3 months notice payment?
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My unmarried,childless uncle died without a will,my mother being his only sibling.Unfortunately she fell ill and passed away within 2 weeks before probate. Does her estate still inherit or does it...
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You walk into a lovely pub with an extremely well stocked bar with all the ales, lagers, wines, spirits and so on that you could ask for. Nothing, however appears to be priced. You select a drink,ask...
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I have a small house that I rent out at the moment but I want to put into my sons name, (I know about the 7 year ruling), that means he would get any rental money, or could he let me have this money...
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If a will spreads over onto a second page, should they be attached or left separate? And a codicil likewise TKS...
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Is it necessary to use a solicitor to draw up a Power of Attorney for property and financial purposes, and does it need a solicitor to register the POA with the court
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Can someone offer advice please. Car offered for sale in February, buyer sees car agrees a price for car plus an amount for storage. 3 weeks later pays £1000 deposit and states will pay rest later in...
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in CPR 57.13(3) it says "Every personal representative of the estate shall be joined as a party." What exactly does "joined as a party" mean?...
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Hi All, My friend works in a residential home for the elderly. There are CCTV cameras installed and she's been told they are connected to the owners phone. ( the home is in Devon and owner lives in...
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we have lost the deeds to our property..please can someone tell me if there is anywhere to go to retrieve these or what we can do to provide new ones.
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If two people, or more, are left a house, can they sell the house in order to share any profit made without recourse to the executors, or can the executors say whether the house can be sold or not....

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