Jokes10 mins ago
Disclaimer: All Answers found here should not be taken in the stead of legal advice from a solicitor.Please refrain from being rude, abusive or judgemental - members come here for advice, not judgement! Members who offer only moral judgement will be suspended.
As I am retired and therefore no guarantee of rent I paid a year's rent for a flat to give me security of tenure and to recuperate from a heart problem I suffered last year. I didn't know until living...
Hello I had a question and hopefully you can help me out? My parents died recently and me and my brother were the only living siblings left i was paying all the taxes on the place but recently my...
on the way back from manchester to glasgow after the uefa cup final 2008 i was pulled over on the motorway for undertaking i was in the middle lane doing 50 - 60 mph and undertook 4 cars in the...
how much does it cost to put a charge on a property
I am currently involved in a very ugly legal law suit with my ex life and business partner over joint business assets. Because of numerous attempts to intimidate me by phone and letters during the...
After involving the Child Support Agency and still awaiting a result ( my ex supplying his accounts-already sending in false earnings 3 years ago) He has been asked to supply new accounts but as yet...
I have a fan vent from my bathroom fitted out through my side wall.The wall is built right up to the boundry and my neighbour is going to build an extension .His new wall will be right next to mine...
Can anyone tell me whether a telephone conversation between two people that was being listened into on speakerphone on one side without the other persons knowledge would be admissable as evidence in...
can my neighbour build on the boundry line between our two properties
I have a neighbour who repeatedly parks opposite my drive making it very difficult to get on/off it. He knows what he is doing and will not stop. To try and make him see sense I am tempted to park...
Can someone please give me some advice???? me and my partner booked a holiday and can not go on it now because a financial situation has come up and i have too find another deposit for a house. we...
I am asking for my father. Who is my next of kin? My children or my second wife?
Who is my next of kin? My children or my second wife?
3 years ago after a particularly hideous couple of years during I was diagnosed with a chronic illness. I panicked and departed the UK to be with family but I left debts of about 20,000 pounds made up...
if an applicant/respondant is not satisfied with the decision at a land tribunal hearing can he/she appeal. If so under what circumstances would an appeal be granted. If an appeal was granted could...
I had an accident in my works van, and damaged the rear light unit and cracked the bumber. My boss said that he didn't want to go through the insurance so we would just fix it cheaply. He is now...
The freeholders of the building in which I own a flat built two flats above mine in the block of flats. In doing so they had to relocate the pipework etc for my existing boiler and there was a legal...
Can anyone tell me if there are standard rules for importing cars privately owned and for private use from one eu country to another eu country by an eu resident
a mother wanting 100% parental responsibility as the father does not part take in the childrens lifes
In the recent high winds the felt from our shed roof blew off and lodged under our neighbour's car causing some damage. He is threatening to take us to court for the costs. He claims we have not...