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Small Bleed On Brain

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Patsy33 | 17:44 Thu 10th Oct 2024 | Body & Soul
35 Answers

My husband has been getting bad headaches for 2 weeks. Went with him to see Doctor yesterday afternoon. While waiting, had to getca bowl off nurse as he was sick. Doctor was worried and sent us to A&E, in Gloucester. After many tests & scan told him late last night he's had a couple of bleeds on brain. One had stopped but the other was still bleeding. Said was going to arrange ambulance to take him to Southmead to see Neurosurgeon who would operate. OK, so we were very worried and preparing ourselves waiting fir ambulance. Then about midnight, they changed their minds and said he will be staying in Gloucester till the morning. He didn't have a bed till 1am. This morning my husband told me an ambulance would take him thus morning to Bristol. Had nice chat to a Doctor about what procedure he would have done. Then a bit later, he saw another Doctor that gave him an option of, "Would you rather gi to Southmead and have a hole drilled in your head, or go home with painkillers and come back in 2 weeks for another scan?"  If headaches get worse, call 999..

.My husband is frightened, and chose the latter. So we had to fetch him lunch time. We tried to talk him out if it. He could be a walking time bomb. We are all worried to death now.

We are so upset and worried now. Can you believe this?? Thoughts anyone? Thanks




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I'm sure everyone here in AB would join me in wishing your husband a speedy recovery.

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Thanks Sandy.

I can't believe they let him come home...

Mad!!! These can be fatal. Tell him to get it sorted. And what kind of doctor would say that??!!??

How awful Patsy, a terrible dilemma.  For what it's worth, my niece had a brain tumour successfully removed at Southmead which I assume is a more invasive operation, so that may be some comfort to you.  I think if it were me I would elect for the operation but would also be very scared. I hope it all works out OK.

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I don't know, Sharon. If they can get rid of you less stress for them. I was so annoyed with my husband. I know he's frightened. 

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Thanks Canary. Yes Southmead is a very good hospital. Has state of the art equipment.

Try and be reassured by this:

"What are the treatment options?

Treatment depends on the severity of the bleed. Some minor bleeds may just need medication to relieve headache and prevent vomiting."

I hope that if he were in an emergency situation they wouldn't have let him go home.

Worrying and frightening for both of you.  I wish him well 


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Thank you , Barry. That's a bit more reassuring.

do what your husband has chosen

I'd be frightened too, to be fair. 

I'm sure you'll keep an eye on him and hopefully he's not planning on rock climbing or roller blading in the next two weeks.

He's got a good excuse to veg out with a book or the TV 🙂

I hope that if he were in an emergency situation they wouldn't have let him go home.

exactly - we dont know what the  position is, so we cant give  sensible dvice

Patsy/  I can imagine this must be a very worrying time for you all - it is so difficult when faced with a decision re treatment.  Hope all goes well - thinking of you. x

That's aweful Patsy, all the best to you both Xx

 it is so difficult when faced with a decision re treatment.

well it is his decision not ours.

VERY technical paper  2019 which says it doesnt make much difference.


Randomized trials on spontaneous lobar intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) provided no convincing evidence of the superiority of surgical treatment.

AB transation - trials have shown that surgery doesnt work better

so... send him home and wait

patsy, I can't offer any advice but my heart goes out to you.  X

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Thank you Peter. Interesting. Let's hope he's done the right thing.

Thank you, Naomi. X

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Thank you, Arky & Haz too.

How is he today, Patsy?

Question Author

He's not too bad, resting and trying not to fret. Headaches have stopped, so that's good sign. I'm keeping a careful eye on him. Thank you for asking, Barry.

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