I've just logged on and seen your previous post. I just also wanted to say GOOD LUCK to you and your daughter.
It's so sad when things like this happen. Just remember though that none of this is your fault, it's all about his need for control (sick need).
I hope it all goes well for you. I was in a violent relationship which i also got out of, probably just in time.
Please take care and just know that you do have support from everyone on this site!!
God blessxxx
Thanks guys this supposrt really means the world to me in a weird way its comforting to know I am not alone and others have been through this and survived. I am also glad to hear if he goes down he becomes the target for abuse I know two wrongs dont make a right but he beat my precious daughter he is not even fit to be called an animal as they behave better. Thank you all so much I honestly take so much comfort from you all x x