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Name change

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cupcake04 | 19:55 Tue 27th Nov 2012 | Law
4 Answers
I have recently changed my childs surname it was originally dad's n he had parental responsibility now he signed 4 me 2 change 2 my surname does he now have any parental responsibilities????


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It's not the name which matters, but the genetic link. Didn't you read recently that a sperm donor for 2 lesbians is being pursued by the Child Support Agency even though everyone concerned signed to say they waived any responsibilites the donor might have had ?
12:47 Wed 28th Nov 2012
I don't think changing your or your child's surname would alter any parental responsibility.

That's a separate issue.
Yes, he's still the father
It's not the name which matters, but the genetic link. Didn't you read recently that a sperm donor for 2 lesbians is being pursued by the Child Support Agency even though everyone concerned signed to say they waived any responsibilites the donor might have had ?

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