Crosswords4 mins ago
15 Answers
I don't think that I have heard anyone ask the question concerning the recent events surrounding the disappearance of Alice Gross and the chief I am was a convicted murderer allowed into this country in 2007? Who made that call? Signed that paperwork?
Who thought it would be a good idea?
I know nothing of how this works from an Immigration perspective, but I am interested to know who is accountable for that despicable man being here!
Who thought it would be a good idea?
I know nothing of how this works from an Immigration perspective, but I am interested to know who is accountable for that despicable man being here!
I'm not so sure how easy it would be for a British convicted murderer to move to another EU country. He would be out on life licence, which requires regular contact with probation officer and has other conditions. Failure to comply means back to prison.
12:11 Wed 01st Oct 2014
I wouldn't describe it as exactly fully addressed on the other thread with only 11 replies but agreed, we have a free movement policy within the EU and clearly (allegedly) the suspect has quite easily gone back to his country too. We'd have to have the strict immigration/travel rules such as USA, Australia, New Zealand - but I don't think everyone would like such restraints (judging by the number of queries on here about ESTAs etc).
You see maybe naively I thought when we entered the EU (a long time ago, I was much younger and innocent then!) I thought there would be freedom of movement.....but is there.....we still cannot hop across to France without a passport.....I would like to think these people need a passport to get here...passports are not free!
I have tried to encourage the European connection but I have to admit we are too lenient in this country, my brother emigrated to Australia some 18 years ago and when my Son went to see him there were all sorts of hoops and questions asked......let's create some jobs.......surely in order to save money in the courts (as most cases I read in my local paper involve immigrants) then create more immigration control jobs....more detailed enquiries made on these people before they are allowed entry to stay here....
I have tried to encourage the European connection but I have to admit we are too lenient in this country, my brother emigrated to Australia some 18 years ago and when my Son went to see him there were all sorts of hoops and questions asked......let's create some jobs.......surely in order to save money in the courts (as most cases I read in my local paper involve immigrants) then create more immigration control jobs....more detailed enquiries made on these people before they are allowed entry to stay here....
Didnt dirty Den in East Enders immigrate easily from Germany to England having spent time for manslaughter ?
I dont recollect anyone screaming who has signed his immigration papers
but times change
//my brother emigrated to Australia some 18 years ago and when my Son went to see him there were all sorts of hoops and questions asked....//
is all about civil servants finding things to do and forms to fill out and nothnig to do with natiional security
I dont recollect anyone screaming who has signed his immigration papers
but times change
//my brother emigrated to Australia some 18 years ago and when my Son went to see him there were all sorts of hoops and questions asked....//
is all about civil servants finding things to do and forms to fill out and nothnig to do with natiional security
With the number of entitled EU nationals presenting themselves at 'customs' it is simply not possible to scrutinise them in any more detail than checking that their passports are in order.
There is no Europewide database holding the details of convicted felons for any Border Agency employees to cross-check.
Unless there is a mechanism where they have to surrender their passports to their own governments to have 'Paedophile, Murderer, etc.' stamped in red across the identity page before these are reissued, I don't know what the answer is.
There is no Europewide database holding the details of convicted felons for any Border Agency employees to cross-check.
Unless there is a mechanism where they have to surrender their passports to their own governments to have 'Paedophile, Murderer, etc.' stamped in red across the identity page before these are reissued, I don't know what the answer is.
http:// www.the answerb uk/News /Questi on13691 52.html
***'s, thieves, murderers, interlopers, miscreants, illegal immigrants, spongers, scroungers and anyone else who wants to start a new life in Utopia ought to be welcomed with open arms, surely?
***'s, thieves, murderers, interlopers, miscreants, illegal immigrants, spongers, scroungers and anyone else who wants to start a new life in Utopia ought to be welcomed with open arms, surely?
>>>we still cannot hop across to France without a passport.....I would like to think these people need a passport to get here...passports are not free!
There IS free movement between ALL European Union countries EXCEPT the UK and Ireland because the UK Government has refused to sign up to the full provisions of the Schengen Agreement, which removes border controls between EU nations. (Ireland has indicated its readiness to to join the 'Schengen countries' but currently can't do so because of its 'open border' arrangement with the UK).
So you don't need a passport to travel between France and Germany, between Greece and Bulgaria, between the Czech Republic and Spain, between Cyprus and Estonia, or between any other pair of EU countries. That applies to citizens of ALL countries, including, say Americans, Australians, Nigerians or Cambodians. Once you're with the 'Schengen' area you can move freely to any other part of it, with no border controls whatsoever (although, of course, airlines will separately require some form of photo-ID).
Even before the Schengen Agreement came into effect there was no requirement for any EU citizen to hold a passport to travel freely within the whole of the EU. All that was needed was to be able to prove EU citizenship by producing a national Identity Card. That rule remains unchanged, so many EU citizens who come to this country (whether as short-term visitors or as residents) do NOT have passports, since they have ID cards which are issued to all citizens of their home country.
It's only because our politicians (of all political shades) have been too weak to stand up to the alarmist popular press (such as the Daily Mail and the Daily Express) that we're not in Schengen and that we don't have the opportunity to obtain national ID cards (as a cheaper alternative to passports for European travel).
There IS free movement between ALL European Union countries EXCEPT the UK and Ireland because the UK Government has refused to sign up to the full provisions of the Schengen Agreement, which removes border controls between EU nations. (Ireland has indicated its readiness to to join the 'Schengen countries' but currently can't do so because of its 'open border' arrangement with the UK).
So you don't need a passport to travel between France and Germany, between Greece and Bulgaria, between the Czech Republic and Spain, between Cyprus and Estonia, or between any other pair of EU countries. That applies to citizens of ALL countries, including, say Americans, Australians, Nigerians or Cambodians. Once you're with the 'Schengen' area you can move freely to any other part of it, with no border controls whatsoever (although, of course, airlines will separately require some form of photo-ID).
Even before the Schengen Agreement came into effect there was no requirement for any EU citizen to hold a passport to travel freely within the whole of the EU. All that was needed was to be able to prove EU citizenship by producing a national Identity Card. That rule remains unchanged, so many EU citizens who come to this country (whether as short-term visitors or as residents) do NOT have passports, since they have ID cards which are issued to all citizens of their home country.
It's only because our politicians (of all political shades) have been too weak to stand up to the alarmist popular press (such as the Daily Mail and the Daily Express) that we're not in Schengen and that we don't have the opportunity to obtain national ID cards (as a cheaper alternative to passports for European travel).
gawd help us if we were in shengen chris, have you seen the camps in Calais? they'd all come here unhinhibited as we have the most generous benefits in the known universe! For Funks Sake get real man! If it has been the press that has stopped this folly then great! It's wouldn;t be so bad if the EU had non porous borders but the whol show is a joke.