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Over The Road

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jewels918 | 18:02 Sun 28th Feb 2021 | Law
7 Answers
I have a friend that is in prison right now and is wandering about being a felon will he still be able to deliver or pick up loads at the Port Authority. Also, if there are any changes he may expect to change that will keep him from going back to his business of owner operator trucking.


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This is a UK site and whilst we do have members from the US it is unlikely you will find an answer here.
doesnt it all depend what he done to be banged up?
I assume you are not in this country as there is no longer such a thing as a felon in the UK.
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I am sorry I did not realize this is in the UK. I am across the pond
You are welcome anyway, even though we may not be able to help in matters of US law.
"I have a friend that is in prison right now and is wandering about being a felon" surely that's the opposite of being in prison?
Simple typo; wondering.

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Over The Road

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