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Good Morning Saturday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:42 Sat 29th Jun 2024 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

Well, baby arrived yester! Youngsmows gf finally gave birth - unfortunately he was a bit poorly and was taken to I.C.U, where he still is but they are happy with his progress. He was 6lb 10 and called Theo. Will be making the 5-6 hr journey to see them as soon as I am allowed to.

So will try and have a few chilled hours in the garden today, whilst it is still dry! What's everyone's plans for today??

Anyone doing anything exciting or interesting? 




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Morning Smow and everyone.  I have rain

So pleased for you, is this your first grandchild? One of my best friends is Theo. Never met a Theo I didn't like

Godd morning and congratulations! 

It's not dry here in Manchester. Persisting down at the mo. North Manchester, that is.

BTW, what's happened with Emmie? She used to do this earlybirds thing till she took ill. Any ideas anyone?

Morning.  Many congratulations to you all, smo.  I'm not surprised the little fellow is poorly - he was left cooking for too long and he's had a long, rough journey into the world.  Fingers crossed he'll soon be well enough to go home.   

Good Morning Smow and others ...  I bet you can't wait to see baby Theo, Smow - where does your son live?  Sunny but still windy here in the south-east of Scotland - lots of paperwork to do today. x

No one has heard from emmie, clarion.  I'm always hoping she's looking in and may join us again at some time.

Congrats Smowball !  

27° & sunny here & it's only 10:25am. 

32° forecast for 3 pm. !!

I was about to go out & do some strimming, but on second thoughts, perhaps better to stay indoors.

Mrs K. out with the dog, but I don't think they'll last long out there.

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Not first grandchild no. Yes I love the name Theo, I really do. They are right down in Devon, and I'm in London. 

Will your husband go with you, smo?

Good morning, Smow and Theo! Lovely post and I do hope mother and baby are doing well. Congratulations x

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Naomi - I'll get train on my own, then OH will follow a day or two later. 

Just  so surprised that they let you go for so long these days after inducing when nothing happens - she was in hosp from Tuesday morning till she gave birth Friday morning! 

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Anyone else spending any time in their gardens today? Weeding, pottering, just chilling with a book or so? 

Good morning all.

So pleased about your news Smow.

That is good news Smow... I hope Theo and Mother are on their way to a full recovery.

No plans as yet... I sent my eldest Brother a text wishing him a happy birthay single parent of two lovely nieces so unsure if he has any plans today.

I'm only guessing but he may have gone to the cemetery this morning and switched his phone off. If no plans then I'll be watching the football later.

Raining oop here in West Yorkshire... but I for one are liking it been a lot cooler.

Good morning smow & all. I hope Mother and baby continue to do well. Love the name Theo. My youngest daughter was 6lbs 10oz too. I bet you can't wait to see him! 😃

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Morning everyone I've missed and those still joining! Yep can't wait to see him and give him the biggest cuddles!

Very late here, only just logged in.
Good morning (afternoon) Smow, and welcome to the world Theo.
Quite over cast here and showers forcast, comfortabe though at 17C.
Scrubbed some of my garden chairs yesterday, must do the others to match. So much green has built up on them over the winter.
Some pots need emptying too, I have really neglected the garden because it looked so weedy out there on the drive and patio, but now it's been power washed I feel the ibterest coming back.
Wishing you all a good day :)

Congratulations to all!  Same weight as my elder daughter - she is now 40+ and 5'11and1/2" tall.   😀

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Good Morning Saturday Birds!

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