First thing dont worry, the system doesnt tell you everything.
Basicaly as your on Income Support,the DHSS automatically chase a claim for maintance, even though the 2 of you are together.
Basically you need to get the last year of bank statements and see if there are any extra amounts of money going in, even though it gets spent on your son, it can be classed as income.
If the DHSS do find that you have had extra money they can ask for a refund, but will take a small amount out of your income support each week.
This is not meant to sound horrible to you, but its better for you to contact them, thensomebody else report you for benefit fraud. They will understand that things get muddled up and by asking for help, looks better for you.
The savings account, if its in your sons name and has not got more than 3k in savings you should be ok, but please declare it. If its in your "partners" name then dont worry.
The DHSS dont take into account whats hes brought or done, they just see it as an absent father. They would take 15% of his income but you would not get that given to you, think you would only get �5.00 per week ( figures may of changed), the remainder of the money would go to the goverment as way of paying them back for supporting your son.
As for college,thats brilliant, but you wont be able to claim the EMA, as you are already getting Income Support.
Its just a thought, but if you worked a couple of hours a week, you areallowed to earn �20.00 a week without losing any benefits, as long as you kept them informed. Have you thought about mystery shopping, its not regular weekly work, but as and when, give you a bit of independance.
If you want to study have you thought about Open UNi,study from home, hours to suit.
Im a single mum on I.S. dont get any money from my ex, as he packed in work.