I love silence but staying with relatives last week and having a couple of early nights as the adults finished the wine reminded me of childhood sounds I loved......
Being tucked up in bed and hearing the muffled sound of the adults talking and the mumble of the TV......distant and quiet......
A weekend lie in with a book and hearing Mr Nextdoor with his old push lawnmower....
Sitting in a hayfield on a hot day listening to grasshoppers that I could never catch....
This evening I had a meal in a pub garden in town to the sound of......the visiting man at the next table who needed everyone to know about his tour of Europe.....the fans from the kitchen and the traffic beeping and revving up......mobile phones and the football on the 23 or so televisions inside.....nice meal.....but noisy.....
I grew up listening to and loving the sound, Minty.....then the old man next door willed me his.....it was lovely......but I gave it to a doctor I really liked and who collected clocks.....x
I'd like to think I could recognise Westminster chimes...
No, this was some lullaby-sounding thing or other. A green boxy clock-thing that you would have to wind up and all. Ancient. I don't know if we still have it but yeah, that was something from childhood.
water lapping against the boat, waves crashing into the wall beneath where we stayed, sheep baaing in the Yorkshire Dales, the sound of the farm auctioneers blaring out during French or German lessons.
I grew up on RAF bases so used to hear planes all night. If my mother thought any man was attractive she'd always say 'I wouldn't kick him out of bed to go night flying'