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Is Pointless Bbc1.....pointless !

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Bobbisox1 | 17:29 Sun 11th Aug 2019 | Film, Media & TV
53 Answers
I realise it's not big bucks they give away as licence payers would kick off but it's drab lack lustre programme I think


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//no comparison between the Poinless presenter and Bradley Walsh//

The format of the show is good: you're not asking, as other shows do, what the most common answer chosen by Mr Public is, but what is the least. This fprmat favours knowledge and imagination rather than banality.

Unfortunately, however, the show is unwatchable because of the charmless
self-regarding and tediously long exchanmges between its presenters. Remember one where Armstrong asked the formulaic "what do you do?" question and got yhe answer "I'm a professional gambler". You might have thought this might arouse a little curiosity in the presenter, nut, no, straight on to the next formulaic question.... Too busy thinkg about the next smart a**e comment he was going to make to Osma.

The not very bright Bradley, on the other hand, who knows absolutey nothing outside showbiz and football , is genuinely interested in his guests and is charming, witty and kind.
//Maybe not but to be a news reader for the beeb especially, you have to clear and concise //

Err watch their faces read the news there you have to be able to lie through your teeth and look serious...….Whilst being duplicitous and repetitive.
I thought they read it from an autocue.
Not to mention the look of exasperation on the contestants' faces as Humphries asks yet another long, rambling question.
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I used to really like people like Ken Baker,Angela Rippon and the poor guy who drank himself to an early grave ,Reginald Bousenquet
"the poor guy who drank himself to an early grave ,Reginald Bousenquet"

Urban myth. He died of pancreatic cancer.
Was Reggie the one for whom Private Eye invented "tired and emotional"? Or was that George Brown?
Is it as pointless as 'Untenable'?

Boring! Plenty of sm... talk too.Whoops, I've just realised, I can't really say that.
I stopped listening to the Today programme when it became JH ‘grilling’ interviewees when in fact was him just trying to show off how ‘smart’ he was rather than get informed answers from those he was interviewing.
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Reggie was also an alcoholic , unless it was an 'urban myth' Jim
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Oops I thought that read Gordon Brown vetuste....and I was going to agree lol
I don’t watch it as it’s banality irritates my stomach lining.
JimF - // I can't watch Mastermind because John Humphries is such an appalling question master … //

I can't watch it because of that ludicrous comb-over he sports these days, fore heaven's sake man you are BALD, stop trying to pretend to yourself, everyone else can already see!!!!!
"got worse with the introduction of the "pc blocks"(stick an o in there)."
i have no idea that that means - anyone else?
Er... me neither, unless it was meant to be with an l as well
I still like it, but yes it is getting a bit repetitive. Name a city with 5 letters or more. Name a chemical element with a U in it etc. I don’t think they can keep that going for much longer.
ahhh got it, thanks!
When they ask ‘What would you do with the money?’ I want them to say ‘I’m going to put it in the bank with the rest of my money. What will you do with your fee for presenting this?’
JIM, I think I'm right in saying the questions are written in such a way that the time taken to ask each one and be given the ideal answer means the same number of questions are asked. That's why folk don't (or are not meant to) interrupt the questions.
The Corby post is about Mastermind, yes? It's a poor format which imposes a difficult discipline onm the question setters: fit exactly twenty verbose questions into a two minute slot. And imposes a further burden on the contestant because he or she are forbidden to use intelligent tactics like "know that the answer's A", or "Don't know that, next question please".

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